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The fCraft Giant CommandBook

Posted: July 16th, 2012, 12:25 am
by Jonty800
Usage: /AutoRankAll [FromRank]
Permission(s): EditPlayerDB, Promote, Demote
Repeatable: True
Help: If AutoRank is disabled, it can still be called manually using this command.
Usage: /Ban PlayerName [Reason]
Permission(s): Ban
Repeatable: True
Help: Bans a specified player by name. Note: Does NOT ban IP. Any text after the player name will be saved as a memo. Ban information can be viewed with /BanInfo

Usage: /BanAll PlayerName|IPAddress [Reason]
Permission(s): Ban, BanIP, BanAll
Repeatable: True
Help: Bans the player's name, IP, and all other names associated with the IP. If player is not online, last known IP associated with the name is used. You can also type in the IP address directly. Any text after PlayerName/IP will be saved as a memo. Ban information can be viewed with /BanInfo

Usage: /BanEx +PlayerName or /BanEx -PlayerName
Permission(s): Ban, BanIP
Repeatable: True
Help: Adds or removes an IP-ban exemption for an account. Exempt accounts can log in from any IP, including banned ones.

Usage: /BanInfo [PlayerName|IPAddress]
Repeatable: True
Help: Prints information about past and present bans/unbans associated with the PlayerName or IP. If no name is given, this prints your own ban info.

Usage: /BanIP PlayerName|IPAddress [Reason]
Permission(s): Ban, BanIP
Repeatable: True
Help: Bans the player's name and IP. If player is not online, last known IP associated with the name is used. You can also type in the IP address directly. Any text after PlayerName/IP will be saved as a memo. Ban information can be viewed with /BanInfo

Usage: /Bind OriginalBlockType ReplacementBlockType
Permission(s): Build
Repeatable: True
Help: Assigns one blocktype to another. Allows to build blocktypes that are not normally buildable directly: admincrete, lava, water, grass, double step. Calling /Bind BlockType without second parameter resets the binding. If used with no params, ALL bindings are reset.

Alias: /b, /bi, /whodid, /about
Usage: /BInfo [X Y Z]
Permission(s): ViewOthersInfo
Repeatable: True
Help: Checks edit history for a given block.

Usage: /BlockDB <WorldName> <Operation>
Permission(s): ManageBlockDB
Repeatable: True
Help: Manages BlockDB on a given world. Operations are: On, Off, Clear, Limit, TimeLimit, Preload. See /Help BlockDB <Operation> for operation-specific help. If no operation is given, world's BlockDB status is shown. If no WorldName is given, prints status of all worlds.

Alias: /summon, /fetch
Usage: /Bring PlayerName [ToPlayer]
Permission(s): Bring
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports another player to your location. If the optional second parameter is given, teleports player to another player.

Usage: /BringAll [@Rank [@AnotherRank]] [*|World [AnotherWorld]]
Permission(s): Bring, BringAll
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports all players from your world to you. If any world names are given, only teleports players from those worlds. If any rank names are given, only teleports players of those ranks.
Usage: /Cancel
Repeatable: False
Help: Cancels current selection (for drawing or zoning) operation, for instance if you misclicked on the first block. If you wish to stop a drawing in-progress, use /Undo instead.

Usage: /Clear
Repeatable: True
Help: Clears the chat screen.

Alias: /colours
Usage: /Colors
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows a list of all available color codes.

Alias: /cmds, /cmdlist
Usage: /Commands [Category|@RankName]
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows a list of commands, by category, permission, or rank. Categories are: Building, Chat, Info, Maintenance, Moderation, World, and Zone.

Usage: /Copy
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Copy blocks for pasting. Used together with /Paste and /PasteNot commands. Note that pasting starts at the same corner that you started /Copy from.

Usage: /CopySlot [#]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Selects a slot to copy to/paste from. The maximum number of slots is limited per-rank.

Alias: /blb, /c, /z
Usage: /Cuboid
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Fills a rectangular area (cuboid) with blocks. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /cubh, /ch, /h, /bhb
Usage: /CuboidH
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Surrounds the selected rectangular area with a box of blocks. Unless two blocks are specified, leaves the inside untouched. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /cubw, /cw, /bfb
Usage: /CuboidW
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Draws a wireframe box (a frame) around the selected rectangular area. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Usage: /Cut [FillBlock]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Copies and removes blocks for pasting. Unless a different block type is specified, the area is filled with air. Used together with /Paste and /PasteNot commands. Note that pasting starts at the same corner that you started /Cut from. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.
Alias: /deaf
Usage: /Deafen
Repeatable: True
Help: Blocks all chat messages from being sent to you.

Usage: /DumpStats FileName
Permission(s): EditPlayerDB
Repeatable: True
Help: Writes out a number of statistics about the server. Only non-banned players active in the last 30 days are counted.
Alias: /e
Usage: /Ellipsoid
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Fills an ellipsoid-shaped area (elongated sphere) with blocks. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /eh
Usage: /EllipsoidH
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Surrounds the selected an ellipsoid-shaped area (elongated sphere) with a shell of blocks. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Usage: /Env <WorldName> <Variable>
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Prints or changes the environmental variables for a given world. Variables are: clouds, fog, sky, level, edge. See /Help env <Variable> for details about each variable. Type /Env <WorldName> normal to reset everything for a world.
Alias: /f2d
Usage: /Fill2D
Permission(s): Draw, DrawAdvanced
Repeatable: True
Help: Fills a continuous area with blocks, in 2D. Takes just 1 mark, and replaces blocks of the same type as the block you clicked. Works similar to "Paint Bucket" tool in Photoshop. Direction of effect is determined by where the player is looking. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /f
Usage: /Freeze PlayerName
Permission(s): Freeze
Repeatable: True
Help: Freezes the specified player in place. This is usually effective, but not hacking-proof. To release the player, use /unfreeze PlayerName
Usage: /Gen Theme Template [Width Length Height] [FileName]
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Generates a new map. If no dimensions are given, uses current world's dimensions. If no filename is given, loads generated world into current world.
Available themes: Grass, Arctic, Desert, Forest, Hell, Swamp
Available terrain types: Empty, Ocean, Archipelago, Atoll, Bay, Dunes, Flat, Hills, Ice, Island, Lake, Mountains, Peninsula, Random, River, Streams
Note: You do not need to specify a theme with "Empty" and "Ocean" templates.

Alias: /g
Usage: /Grass
Permission(s): PlaceGrass
Repeatable: True
Help: Toggles the grass placement mode. When enabled, any dirt block you place is replaced with a grass block.
Alias: /herp, /man
Usage: /Help [CommandName]
Repeatable: True
Help: Derp.

Usage: /Hide [silent]
Permission(s): Hide
Repeatable: True
Help: Enables invisible mode. It looks to other players like you left the server, but you can still do anything - chat, build, delete, type commands - as usual. Great way to spy on griefers and scare newbies. Call /Unhide to reveal yourself.
Usage: /Ignore [PlayerName]
Repeatable: True
Help: Temporarily blocks the other player from messaging you. If no player name is given, lists all ignored players.

Alias: /importbans, /importranks
Usage: /Import bans Software File or /Import ranks Software File Rank
Permission(s): Import
Repeatable: True
Help: Imports data from formats used by other servers. Currently only MCSharp/MCZall/MCLawl/MCForge files are supported.

Alias: /whois, /whowas
Usage: /Info [PlayerName or IP [Offset]]
Repeatable: True
Help: Prints information and stats for a given player. Prints your own stats if no name is given. Prints a list of names if a partial name or an IP is given.

Usage: /InfoSwap Player1 Player2
Permission(s): EditPlayerDB
Repeatable: True
Help: Swaps records between two players. EXPERIMENTAL, use at your own risk.
Alias: /j, /load, /goto, /map
Usage: /Join WorldName
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports the player to a specified world. You can see the list of available worlds by using /Worlds
Alias: /k
Usage: /Kick PlayerName [Reason]
Permission(s): Kick
Repeatable: True
Help: Kicks the specified player from the server. Optional kick reason/message is shown to the kicked player and logged.
Alias: /l
Usage: /Lava
Permission(s): PlaceLava
Repeatable: True
Help: Toggles the lava placement mode. When enabled, any red block you place is replaced with lava.

Alias: /ln
Usage: /Line
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Draws a continuous line between two points with blocks. Marks do not have to be aligned. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.
Alias: /m
Usage: /Mark or /Mark X Y H
Repeatable: True
Help: When making a selection (for drawing or zoning) use this to make a marker at your position in the world. If three numbers are given, those coordinates are used instead.

Usage: /MassRank FromRank ToRank Reason
Permission(s): EditPlayerDB, Promote, Demote
Repeatable: True

Usage: /Me Message
Permission(s): Chat
Repeatable: False
Help: Sends IRC-style action message prefixed with your name.

Usage: /Measure
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows information about a selection: width/length/height and volume.

Alias: /flip
Usage: /Mirror [X] [Y] [Z]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Flips copied blocks along specified axis/axes. The axes are: X = horizontal (east-west), Y = horizontal (north-south), Z = vertical. You can mirror more than one axis at a time, e.g. /Mirror X Y

Usage: /Mute PlayerName Duration
Permission(s): Mute
Repeatable: True
Help: Mutes a player for a specified length of time.
Alias: /p
Usage: /Paint
Repeatable: True
Help: When paint mode is on, any block you delete will be replaced with the block you are holding. Paint command toggles this behavior on and off.

Usage: /Paste [IncludedBlock [AnotherOne etc]]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Pastes previously copied blocks. Used together with /Copy command. If one or more optional IncludedBlock parameters are specified, ONLY pastes blocks of specified type(s). Alignment semantics are... complicated. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /pn
Usage: /PasteNot ExcludedBlock [AnotherOne etc]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Pastes previously copied blocks, except the given block type(s). Used together with /Copy command. Alignment semantics are... complicated. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /pnx, /pxn
Usage: /PasteNotX ExcludedBlock [AnotherOne etc]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Pastes previously copied blocks, aligned, except the given block type(s). Used together with /Copy command. Takes 2 marks: first sets the origin of pasting, and second sets the direction where to paste. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /px
Usage: /PasteX [IncludedBlock [AnotherOne etc]]
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Pastes previously copied blocks, aligned. Used together with /Copy command. If one or more optional IncludedBlock parameters are specified, ONLY pastes blocks of specified type(s). Takes 2 marks: first sets the origin of pasting, and second sets the direction where to paste. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /pat
Usage: /Patrol
Permission(s): Patrol
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports you to the next player in need of checking.

Alias: /who
Usage: /Players [WorldName] [Offset]
Repeatable: True
Help: Lists all players on the server (in all worlds). If a WorldName is given, only lists players on that one world.

Usage: /PruneDB
Permission(s): EditPlayerDB
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes inactive players from the player database. Use with caution.
Alias: /user, /promote, /demote
Usage: /Rank PlayerName RankName [Reason]
Permission(s): Promote, Demote
Repeatable: True
Help: Changes the rank of a player to a specified rank. Any text specified after the RankName will be saved as a memo.

Alias: /rinfo
Usage: /RankInfo RankName
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows a list of permissions granted to a rank. To see a list of all ranks, use /Ranks

Usage: /Ranks
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows a list of all defined ranks.

Usage: /Redo
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Selectively removes changes from your last drawing command. Note that commands involving over 2 million blocks cannot be undone due to memory restrictions.

Alias: /configreload, /reloadconfig, /autorankreload, /reloadautorank
Usage: /Reload config/autorank/salt
Permission(s): ReloadConfig
Repeatable: True
Help: Reloads a given configuration file or setting. Config note: changes to ranks and IRC settings still require a full restart. Salt note: Until server synchronizes with, connecting players may have trouble verifying names.

Alias: /r
Usage: /Replace BlockToReplace [AnotherOne, ...] ReplacementBlock
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Replaces all blocks of specified type(s) in an area. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /rb
Usage: /ReplaceBrush Block BrushName [Params]
Permission(s): Draw, DrawAdvanced
Repeatable: True
Help: Replaces all blocks of specified type(s) in an area with output of a given brush. See /Help brush for a list of available brushes. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /rn
Usage: /ReplaceNot (ExcludedBlock [AnotherOne]) ReplacementBlock
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Replaces all blocks EXCEPT specified type(s) in an area. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Usage: /Restart Delay [Reason] or /Restart abort
Permission(s): ShutdownServer
Repeatable: True
Help: Restarts the server remotely after a given delay. A restart reason or message can be specified to be shown to players. Type /Restart abort to cancel.

Usage: /Restore FileName
Permission(s): Draw, DrawAdvanced, CopyAndPaste, ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Selectively restores/pastes part of mapfile into the current world. If the filename contains spaces, surround it with quote marks. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Usage: /Roll
Permission(s): Chat
Repeatable: True
Help: Gives random number between 1 and 100.
/Roll MaxNumber
Gives number between 1 and max.
/Roll MinNumber MaxNumber
Gives number between min and max.

Alias: /spin
Usage: /Rotate (-90|90|180|270) (X|Y|Z)
Permission(s): CopyAndPaste
Repeatable: True
Help: Rotates copied blocks around specifies axis/axes. If no axis is given, rotates around Z (vertical).

Usage: /Rules
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows a list of rules defined by server operator(s).
Usage: /Say Message
Permission(s): Chat, Say
Repeatable: False
Help: Shows a message in special color, without the player name prefix. Can be used for making announcements.

Alias: /ServerReport, /Version, /SInfo
Usage: /ServerInfo
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows server stats

Usage: /SetInfo <PlayerName> <Property> <Value>
Permission(s): EditPlayerDB
Repeatable: True
Help: Allows direct editing of players' database records. List of editable properties: BanReason, DisplayedName, KickReason, PreviousRank, RankChangeType, RankReason, TimesKicked, TotalTime, UnbanReason. For detailed help see /Help SetInfo <Property>

Usage: /SetSpawn [PlayerName]
Permission(s): SetSpawn
Repeatable: True
Help: Assigns your current location to be the spawn point of the map/world. If an optional PlayerName param is given, the spawn point of only that player is changed instead.

Usage: /Shutdown Delay [Reason] or /Shutdown abort
Permission(s): ShutdownServer
Repeatable: True
Help: Shuts down the server remotely after a given delay. A shutdown reason or message can be specified to be shown to players. Type /Shutdown abort to cancel.

Alias: /s
Usage: /Solid
Permission(s): PlaceAdmincrete
Repeatable: True
Help: Toggles the admincrete placement mode. When enabled, any stone block you place is replaced with admincrete.

Usage: /Spawn
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports you to the current map's spawn.

Alias: /spat
Usage: /SpecPatrol
Permission(s): Patrol, Spectate
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports you to the next player in need of checking.

Alias: /follow, /spec
Usage: /Spectate PlayerName
Permission(s): Spectate
Repeatable: True

Alias: /sp, /spheroid
Usage: /Sphere
Permission(s): Draw, DrawAdvanced
Repeatable: True
Help: Fills a spherical area with blocks. The first mark denotes the CENTER of the sphere, and distance to the second mark denotes the radius. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /sph, /hsphere
Usage: /SphereH
Permission(s): Draw, DrawAdvanced
Repeatable: True
Help: Surrounds a spherical area with a shell of blocks. The first mark denotes the CENTER of the sphere, and distance to the second mark denotes the radius. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /st
Usage: /Staff Message
Permission(s): Chat
Repeatable: False
Help: Broadcasts your message to all operators/moderators on the server at once.

Usage: /Static
Repeatable: True
Help: Toggles repetition of last selection on or off.
Usage: /Timer <Duration> <Message>
Permission(s): Say
Repeatable: True
Help: Starts a timer with a given duration and message. As the timer counts down, announcements are shown globally. See also: /Help Timer Abort

Alias: /donut, /bagel
Usage: /Torus
Permission(s): Draw, DrawAdvanced
Repeatable: True
Help: Draws a horizontally-oriented torus. The first mark denotes the CENTER of the torus, horizontal distance to the second mark denotes the ring radius, and the vertical distance to the second mark denotes the tube radius Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Usage: /TP PlayerName or /TP X Y Z
Permission(s): Teleport
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports you to a specified player's location. If coordinates are given, teleports to that location.

Alias: /t
Usage: /Triangle
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Draws a triangle between three points. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /tw
Usage: /TriangleW
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Draws lines between three points, to form a triangle. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.
Usage: /Unban PlayerName [Reason]
Permission(s): Ban
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes ban for a specified player. Does NOT remove associated IP bans. Any text after the player name will be saved as a memo. Ban information can be viewed with /BanInfo

Usage: /UnbanAll PlayerName|IPaddress [Reason]
Permission(s): Ban, BanIP, BanAll
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes ban for a specified player's name, last known IP, and all other names associated with the IP. You can also type in the IP address directly. Any text after the player name will be saved as a memo. Ban information can be viewed with /BanInfo

Usage: /UnbanIP PlayerName|IPaddress [Reason]
Permission(s): Ban, BanIP
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes ban for a specified player's name and last known IP. You can also type in the IP address directly. Any text after the player name will be saved as a memo. Ban information can be viewed with /BanInfo

Usage: /Undo
Permission(s): Draw
Repeatable: True
Help: Selectively removes changes from your last drawing command. Note that commands involving over 2 million blocks cannot be undone due to memory restrictions.

Alias: /ua
Usage: /UndoArea PlayerName [TimeSpan|BlockCount]
Permission(s): UndoOthersActions
Repeatable: True
Help: Reverses changes made by a given player in the current world, in the given area. Use /Cancel to cancel selection mode. Use /Undo to stop and undo the last command.

Alias: /up, /undox
Usage: /UndoPlayer PlayerName [TimeSpan|BlockCount]
Permission(s): UndoOthersActions
Repeatable: True
Help: Reverses changes made by a given player in the current world.

Alias: /uf
Usage: /Unfreeze PlayerName
Permission(s): Freeze
Repeatable: True
Help: Releases the player from a frozen state. See /Help Freeze for more information.

Usage: /Unhide [silent]
Permission(s): Hide
Repeatable: True
Help: Disables the /Hide invisible mode. It looks to other players like you just joined the server.

Usage: /Unignore PlayerName
Repeatable: True
Help: Unblocks the other player from messaging you.

Usage: /Unmute PlayerName
Permission(s): Mute
Repeatable: True
Help: Unmutes a player.

Alias: /unfollow, /unspec
Usage: /Unspectate
Permission(s): Spectate
Repeatable: False
Usage: /WAccess [WorldName [RankName]]
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows access permission for player's current world. If optional WorldName parameter is given, shows access permission for another world. If RankName parameter is also given, sets access permission for specified world.

Alias: /w
Usage: /Water
Permission(s): PlaceWater
Repeatable: True
Help: Toggles the water placement mode. When enabled, any blue or cyan block you place is replaced with water.

Usage: /WBring PlayerName WorldName
Permission(s): Bring
Repeatable: True
Help: Teleports a player to the given world's spawn.

Usage: /WBuild [WorldName [RankName]]
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows build permissions for player's current world. If optional WorldName parameter is given, shows build permission for another world. If RankName parameter is also given, sets build permission for specified world.

Usage: /WFlush [WorldName]
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Flushes the update buffer on specified map by causing players to rejoin. Makes cuboids and other draw commands finish REALLY fast.

Alias: /compass, /whereis, /whereami
Usage: /Where [PlayerName]
Permission(s): ViewOthersInfo
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows information about the location and orientation of a player. If no name is given, shows player's own info.

Alias: /mapinfo
Usage: /WInfo [WorldName]
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows information about a world: player count, map dimensions, permissions, etc.If no WorldName is given, shows info for current world.

Alias: /wadd
Usage: /WLoad FileName [WorldName [BuildRank [AccessRank]]]
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: If WorldName parameter is not given, replaces the current world's map with the specified map. The old map is overwritten. If the world with the specified name exists, its map is replaced with the specified map file. Otherwise, a new world is created using the given name and map file. NOTE: For security reasons, you may only load files from the map folder. For a list of supported formats, see /Help WLoad Formats

Alias: /lock
Usage: /WLock [*|WorldName]
Permission(s): Lock
Repeatable: True
Help: Puts the world into a locked, read-only mode. No one can place or delete blocks during lockdown. By default this locks the world you're on, but you can also lock any world by name. Put an asterisk (*) for world name to lock ALL worlds at once. Call /WUnlock to release lock on a world.

Usage: /WMain [@RankName] [WorldName]
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Sets the specified world as the new main world. Main world is what newly-connected players join first. You can specify a rank name to set a different starting world for that particular rank.

Alias: /maps, /levels
Usage: /Worlds [all/hidden/populated/@Rank]
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows a list of available worlds. To join a world, type /Join WorldName. If the optional "all" is added, also shows inaccessible or hidden worlds. If "hidden" is added, shows only inaccessible and hidden worlds. If "populated" is added, shows only worlds with players online. If a rank name is given, shows only worlds where players of that rank can build.

Usage: /WRename OldName NewName
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Changes the name of a world. Does not require any reloading.

Alias: /save
Usage: /WSave FileName or /WSave WorldName FileName
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Saves a map copy to a file with the specified name. The ".fcm" file extension can be omitted. If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten.

Usage: /WSet <World> <Variable> <Value>
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Sets a world variable. Variables are: hide, backups, greeting

Alias: /wremove, /wdelete
Usage: /WUnload WorldName
Permission(s): ManageWorlds
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes the specified world from the world list, and moves all players from it to the main world. The main world itself cannot be removed with this command. You will need to delete the map file manually.

Alias: /unlock
Usage: /WUnlock [*|WorldName]
Permission(s): Lock
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes the lockdown set by /WLock. See /Help WLock for more information.
Alias: /zone
Usage: /ZAdd ZoneName RankName
Permission(s): ManageZones
Repeatable: True
Help: Create a zone that overrides build permissions. This can be used to restrict access to an area (by setting RankName to a high rank) or to designate a guest area (by lowering RankName).

Usage: /ZEdit ZoneName [RankName] [+IncludedName] [-ExcludedName]
Permission(s): ManageZones
Repeatable: True
Help: Allows editing the zone permissions after creation. You can change the rank restrictions, and include or exclude individual players.

Alias: /ZoneInfo
Usage: /ZInfo ZoneName
Repeatable: True
Help: Shows detailed information about a zone.

Usage: /ZMark ZoneName
Repeatable: True
Help: Uses zone boundaries to make a selection.

Usage: /Zones [WorldName]
Repeatable: True
Help: Lists all zones defined on the current map/world.

Alias: /zdelete
Usage: /ZRemove ZoneName
Permission(s): ManageZones
Repeatable: True
Help: Removes a zone with the specified name from the map.

Usage: /ZRename OldName NewName
Permission(s): ManageZones
Repeatable: True
Help: Renames a zone

Usage: /ZTest
Repeatable: True
Help: Allows to test exactly which zones affect a particular block. Can be used to find and resolve zone overlaps.

Re: The fCraft Giant CommandBook

Posted: July 17th, 2012, 9:05 pm
by PolakWithABlock
If that took hours. I feel bad for you son.
You got 99 commands, but google aint one.

Not to throw all your hard work to waste, but

Hey since you made this huge list, Colour code which command is for which rank.

Sad attempt at rapping

Re: The fCraft Giant CommandBook

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 5:56 am
by Kevinsweijen
Its made for the people that can't google, silly.

Re: The fCraft Giant CommandBook

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 10:32 am
by Sanjar Khan
Nothing wrong with a place on the forum for it.

Re: The fCraft Giant CommandBook

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 10:20 pm
by Jonty800
It took under 5mins to write a program to do all of this for me, there's no way I'm gonna type it all out by hand.

And the Wiki doesn't contain EVERYTHING. Well, at least it never used to. Haven't really checked the status of it in a while.


Re: The fCraft Giant CommandBook

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 10:44 pm
by PhoneBook_
wiki doesn't have /pruneDB