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Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 18th, 2011, 10:28 pm
by ruggedbear
Promotions are rare and amazing. They require hard work and dedication. They are special moments in everyone's fcraft experience. And yet, I'm always just a little bit sad when someone is promoted to Veteran because their (often funny and inventive) promotion reason, as well as the stats that defined that moment are lost forever in favor of "Autorank." So I propose this:

What if there were a command called something like /promoinfo? This could follow look similar to /info, but it lists details of a user's promotions and (maybe) demotions. I'll provide an example with myself.

/promoinfo ruggedbear

Promoinfo for RUGGEDBEAR:
First login on 12 October 2011

Promoted to Builder on 12 October 2011 after (blank hours of play.)
Promoted by, WHRITHLIN. Promotion reason:
"Because I said so. But mostly because his house was cool..."

Promoted to Veteran on (blank date) after (blank hours of play.)
Promoted by, AUTORANK. Promotion reason:

And so on provided you have more promotions for it to draw forth. It seems like it would be cool to see why and when different people were promoted, farther back than just their last. It could also be used to get a general sense of a person's experience here. Of course if there is a way to do this already, let me know, but I think promotion moments are lost forever when promoted again.

Let me know what you think! :D

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 12:26 pm
by Hellenion
promotion history could be useful..

and indeed some of those reasons are golden.

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 3:29 pm
by BobKare
What if you use /Pi ruggedbear (for a shortcut for /PromoInfo) and it will give you this:

ruggedbear's promotions and demotions:
1. From guest to builder, by Whritlin
2. From builder to veteran, by (Autorank)

Then use /Pi ruggedbear 1 to see more details (maybe a copy of his /Info at the moment promo was given) is shown.

It might be like this:

About ruggedbear's 1. promotion/demotion:
Logged in (0) time(s) since 12 Oct 2011.
Built (1) and deleted (2) blocks, drew (3) blocks,
wrote (4) messages.
Kicked (5) and banned (6) players.
Promoted from builder to veteran by (Autorank), 28 Oct 2011 (clock:clock).
Spent a total of (7) hours on the server (((7)x60) minutes) here.

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 5:27 pm
by ruggedbear
About ruggedbear's 1. promotion/demotion:
Logged in (0) time(s) since 12 Oct 2011.
Built (1) and deleted (2) blocks, drew (3) blocks,
wrote (4) messages.
Kicked (5) and banned (6) players.
Promoted from builder to veteran by (Autorank), 28 Oct 2011 (clock:clock).
Spent a total of (7) hours on the server (((7)x60) minutes) here.
That seems a lot more complicated than it needs to be. A block counter at the moment of a promotion could be nice, but stuff like messages written doesn't have too much to do with the promotion itself. That said, I do like the idea of breaking down a person's promotions into a menu, so as to not overflow your chat when looking at a supop.

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 9:14 pm
by ruggedbear
Anyone else got any thoughts? :P

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 9:26 pm
by Sanjar Khan
Far more usefull: kick history.

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 10:32 pm
by BobKare
Sanjar Khan wrote:Far more usefull: kick history.
Maybe, but if you read the sticky post in this forum, you see that you need to suggest that in a single topic ;)
ruggedbear wrote:
About ruggedbear's 1. promotion/demotion:
Logged in (0) time(s) since 12 Oct 2011.
Built (1) and deleted (2) blocks, drew (3) blocks,
wrote (4) messages.
Kicked (5) and banned (6) players.
Promoted from builder to veteran by (Autorank), 28 Oct 2011 (clock:clock).
Spent a total of (7) hours on the server (((7)x60) minutes) here.
That seems a lot more complicated than it needs to be. A block counter at the moment of a promotion could be nice, but stuff like messages written doesn't have too much to do with the promotion itself. That said, I do like the idea of breaking down a person's promotions into a menu, so as to not overflow your chat when looking at a supop.
Sanjar Khan wrote:Far more usefull: kick history.
Actually, you can drop some of the things. But hours on the server isn't the only thing giving a promotion.
Take a look at this:

About ruggedbear's 1. promotion/demotion:
Joined first time 12 Oct 2011.
Built (0) and deleted (1) blocks, drew (2) blocks.
Kicked (3) and banned (4) players.
Promoted from builder to veteran by (Autorank), 28 Oct 2011 (clock:clock).
Spent a total of (5) hours on the server.

Ah, to the second problem; to not spam the screen when looking at a high ranked player's Info, maybe it could be useful to use the same option as in /Worlds, /Players and /Info where it only displays the first 30 players/worlds sorted by rank?

Here we could state the limit to 5, and sort it by time (latest - oldest).
And if we want to look at earlier rank changes, we can use /Info ruggedbear 6 etc, etc...

How you think about that?

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 10:45 pm
by fragmer
I'm probably not going to add full /info snapshots on rank, that's much too much work. But I would like to add searchable kicks/bans/promotions/demotions/etc. I was just brainstorming about that yesterday:
Conversation in #fCraft on IRC wrote:Nov 18 14:05:36 <fragmer> also i want to add a standardized event log, for kicks/bans/etc
Nov 18 14:05:38 <fragmer> events.db
Nov 18 16:43:32 <fragmer> lets see, what should i put into the event log...
Nov 18 16:44:40 <fragmer> 1) draw command calls
Nov 18 16:44:47 <fragmer> 2) shutdown/restart calls
Nov 18 16:45:04 <fragmer> 3) spawn point changes
Nov 18 16:45:36 <fragmer> 4) adding/editing/renaming/removing zones
Nov 18 16:45:50 <fragmer> 5) loading/editing/renaming/removing worlds
Nov 18 16:46:28 <fragmer> 6) main world changes
Nov 18 16:47:07 <fragmer> 7) ban, banip, banall, unban, unbanip, unbanall
Nov 18 16:47:23 <fragmer> 8) kicks
Nov 18 16:47:31 <fragmer> 9) mute/unmute
Nov 18 16:47:35 <fragmer> 10) freeze/unfreeze
Nov 18 16:47:49 <fragmer> 11) rank changes
Nov 18 16:48:24 <fragmer> 12) locking/unlocking worlds
Nov 18 16:48:46 <fragmer> 13) /setinfo changes
Nov 18 16:49:09 <fragmer> what else would be useful in a searchable event log?
Nov 18 16:50:00 <fragmer> 14) /infoswap
Nov 18 16:56:50 <fragmer> this event log kinda duplicates the text log's functionality
Nov 18 16:56:57 <fragmer> except it'll be searcheable

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 11:34 pm
by Hellenion
fragmer is always one step ahead of us...

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 11:55 pm
by ruggedbear
Coolio, thanks Frag!

One question though. Are these past reasons stored anywhere? If they truly are lost, I don't see how that information could be gathered short of us saying what we remember, and that being added...

Somehow I doubt they are completely overwritten.

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 20th, 2011, 12:30 am
by fragmer
Information about past promotions/demotions/kicks/bans could be gathered from log files, to a certain extent.

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 20th, 2011, 10:09 am
by BobKare
Will it be possible to search for this in game?

Re: Promotion Info Command

Posted: November 21st, 2011, 7:59 pm
by Hellenion
BobKare wrote:Will it be possible to search for this in game?
Currently not, but it will be someday. I believe the command will be /list