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appel for demoted for themastboss by JuSTbUiLdInG_ST

Posted: February 27th, 2012, 1:43 pm
by justbuilding_st11
befor some day i write "write alt f4" in chat i have done this because i don't know what happend i just saw that JaY_Killa write "press alt f4 and get hacks" i don't know that the programm get close. i see this after i had do it with my pc and i'm really sorry that i write this please promote me back to veteran i never will abuse i do it just for fun i think it means fullscreen but not close so i'm sorry and hope that you ride this themastboss
sorry :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Re: appel for demoted for themastboss by JuSTbUiLdInG_ST

Posted: February 27th, 2012, 1:48 pm
by dobby_ashy
Please edit your appeal to the template given in the thread below.

Re: appel for demoted for themastboss by JuSTbUiLdInG_ST

Posted: February 27th, 2012, 1:59 pm
by justbuilding_st11
[demote appeal]

When: i don't know
Who: themastboss demote JuSTbUiLdInG_ST
Reason Given: abuse

i've write in chat press alt f4 because jay_killa write it befor me and i don't know what happen if people do that i'm realy sorry that i have do it. please promote me back to veteran. i never will do it again and now i know what happen if people press alt f4
sorry :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Re: appel for demoted for themastboss by JuSTbUiLdInG_ST

Posted: February 27th, 2012, 2:29 pm
by TheMastBoss
Thanks for following the template.

You were telling guests to press ALT+F4 with some stupid excuses, like "press alt f4 and you will never get kicked", after that Dobby_ashy, the op that was online at the time, told you to stop, and you keept doing it, as shown by the logs here:
[2012-02-24 20:28:57] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: press alt f4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2012-02-24 20:30:21] (IRC) Dobby_Ashy: guys
[2012-02-24 20:30:24] (IRC) Dobby_Ashy: wtf
[2012-02-24 20:30:26] JaY_KiLLa: Yes?
[2012-02-24 20:30:28] (IRC) Dobby_Ashy: ur vets
[2012-02-24 20:30:33] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: what
[2012-02-24 20:30:35] Player lebanon69 connected again, joined main
[2012-02-24 20:30:40] (IRC) Dobby_Ashy: representing the server
[2012-02-24 20:30:47] JaY_KiLLa: im doing my job
[2012-02-24 20:30:51] Player david_doinyamum connected again, joined main
[2012-02-24 20:30:59] (IRC) Dobby_Ashy: why are you telling people to press alt f4
[2012-02-24 20:31:09] weegee200: to troll i think
[2012-02-24 20:31:10] JaY_KiLLa: for fun lol
[2012-02-24 20:31:12] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: that they left
[2012-02-24 20:31:15] JaY_KiLLa: o wont do it again

[2012-02-24 20:40:17] (IRC) bluehulk4: Building, type /rinfo veteran and /rules
[2012-02-24 20:40:17] > veteran I think you may need to
[2012-02-24 20:40:32] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: NEVER!!! press alt and f4

[2012-02-24 20:49:40] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: (to all griefers) press alt f4 and you
[2012-02-24 20:49:40] > never
[2012-02-24 20:49:40] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: get kicked
But this is not the only reason why you got demoted, you also got demoted for randomly freezing guests, giving them no indication about what they were doing wrong, as shown here:
[2012-02-24 20:13:34] Player mamal356* was frozen by JuSTbUiLdInG_ST
[2012-02-24 20:13:47] JuSTbUiLdInG_ST: mamal will you get kick again
[2012-02-24 20:13:55] Player mamal356 was unfrozen by JuSTbUiLdInG_ST
Also, your excuse is completely ridiculous, not knowing what ALT+F4 does? Really? You clearly knew what it did to other people...

This is not the behaviour I expect from a veteran, you will stay as a builder for a while, following the rules, and you MAY be re-promoted back to veteran.