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Demotion Appeal

Posted: October 28th, 2012, 6:23 am
by weitung
Demotion Reason: Stupidly immature.
Demoted By: Ollieboy 3 Days, 20 Hours ago.

I have thought about it and realized that talking too much about nsfw stuff will lead to unwanted endings so i have decided to repent, be more matured and not talk too much about stuff like that.
Although once in awhile i may start to get casual and talk about it a little not not too much like what happened that day. I really do hope you can forgive me as i do take it seriously and will truly repent.

Re: Demotion Appeal

Posted: October 28th, 2012, 6:44 am
by Ollieboy
You were talking about an incredibly graphic interpretation of anal sex with Evansurya555, and then with various Minecraft mobs. To begin with, I was seriously annoyed at that. There were lots of guests on the server who could have seen this and thought that kind of talk is acceptable in any situation, or thought that our allegedly "mature" server allowed this kind of ridiculousness.

However, me demoting you wasn't because of this. Why I demoted you was that as soon as I went offline, you continued which I saw from IRC!

This is not your first demotion, and you stating that "once in awhile i may start to get casual and talk about it a little" is just seriously not good enough. I really don't think you are fit to be a veteran. As a veteran you have responsibilities to represent the rules of the server through your moderation, and I don't want a twice demoted immature person doing that. Maybe in a long while.

Re: Demotion Appeal

Posted: October 28th, 2012, 8:13 am
by weitung
Im sorry but i hardly moderate i just wish to build though i know what i have done and i really do regret it. I am sorry i broke the rule that i failed to notice all along as i do have a lack of vocabulary. I don't want veteran to moderate but i want veteran because of the draw limit and commands. I am sorry but i do hope you understand that as you do know that quite a few people talk about that on the server(im not saying they are all like me) and sometimes i do get quite immature due to the subject that sometimes how people speak.
I will give it all i got to meet your expectations. (There was once i saw a bunch of ops talking about stuff like that and i told them what i thought about it and i got this reply from some op:This is fcraft, get used to it) I am not pointing out the fact that im trying to be like them but I am just speaking from my mind and hoping you can understand. And i do know that this is not the first time i was demoted but i am however dearly sorry.

Re: Demotion Appeal

Posted: October 28th, 2012, 8:29 am
by Ollieboy
There's joking around like I'm sure the ops were doing and then there is COMPLETELY ignoring me when I told you to stop talking like you did. I have not seen "talking like you did" in any other instance on the server, however it should sure as shit not be happening, and I hope any player who reads this realises that while we state that we are a mature server that allows swearing and "adult topics", we do not condone wildly immature behaviour, ESPECIALLY of a sexual nature in public chat.

You can remain a builder some more and I might consider repromoting you later.