Over my time in this community, I've had moments where I've wasted my time Photoshopping people's heads onto something related or not related to them.
Since I'm pretty much not on as much anymore.. I was convinced to finally post them before I someday don't even appear around the community anymore.
So here they are..
Starting with what started it all..
Queen Dobby, with the First Lady.
Queen Dobby and King Drunken Bacon
Commander of the all mighty British Army and having tea with himself, Commander Hamilton, (Hylloch)
The Green Lantern
Dobby being Dobby, (hitting on little girls)
Jersey Shore at it's best
Fail attempt at Photoshopping Nate
Commander of the U.S Navy Tom (Drummer)
I forgot what we did with Kevin here..
Crocodile Pemalite
Crickey Mate
How I picture TheBeardMaster
Something about Drummer. I forgot..
Tom Aiken
Tommy Aiken
LOL... Kevin
I forgot which staff member this was.. Either way, they reminded us of Eminem.
Also forgot who this was..
You bet I'm not even done having fun. I will probably continue doing such stupidity later on.
If it gets to the point where I hurt someone's feelings, please do so message me.
I mainly just photoshop staff members.
kwell.. Bai.
EDIT (2/24/13)
Australia at it's best