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Portals, Minecash, Jail command

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 7:38 pm
by amartoccia

I am the owner of my own fcraft server called Superior. It is a very popular server and is very well run. We love fcraft better than icraft or even Mclawl. There are some things though that seem a neccesity in the server and we could really use them. I have seen all these commands on icraft and mclawl. They arent to hard but are very usefull. Portals would be very nice to have. You could make them by placing an enter block and an exit block. Users just have to walk into say water and it would transport them to a new world or place. Minecash could be used by all players as payment for some time of thing. Obviously this would be virtual but it would be very useful in things such as buying hotel rooms from players and etc. Jail is another command that eveyrone will use especially the higher ranks. I noticed people on the forum talking about how they used admincrete, the freeze command, and bring to jail people. We tried this but found that it wasnt working because they can just press r or join another world. I think that a jail command such as /jail would bring them to a world that they cant leave. You would jail them for a certain amount of time, /jail (user's name) (time). The minecash command could also work as such, /minecash, shows the amount you have, /pay (user's name) (amount). I know you have a lot to work on but after making commands like these im sure many will switch over to fcraft. The importance to me would be portals, the the jail, and then minecash. These would be really usefull on our server! I would be willing to donate if you could guarentee me one.


Re: Portals, Minecash, Jail command

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 9:01 pm
by Sanjar Khan
It would have been polite of you if you had searched this forum before making this post.

Re: Portals, Minecash, Jail command

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 9:07 pm
by beeriebeer
Hello amartoccia

Next time put suggestions here:
We are already discussing portals here:
Second: jails are also discussed, but it only takes slots for other players.
Last: i think money is more for beta, not for classic because everbody got unlimted blocks.( this is my opion :) )

Re: Portals, Minecash, Jail command

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 3:35 am
by amartoccia
Thanks, sorry I've never used the forums.