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by Darklight
October 26th, 2013, 5:02 am
Forum: Server Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Time and recent problems
Replies: 6
Views: 16483

Re: Time and recent problems

Element_Equinox wrote:Besides, we're all a bunch of trolls anyway.
Speak for yourself..
by Darklight
August 5th, 2013, 3:10 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: whats going on
Replies: 4
Views: 12478

Re: whats going on

Hunger games server? Sounds like the full game to me.
FCraft development has nothing to do with the full game of minecraft, only with classic mode.
If you're asking if the game itself has been updated, yes, yes it has.
by Darklight
July 30th, 2013, 4:09 am
Forum: Who are you?
Replies: 861
Views: 933066


Jjb14 wrote:
Xela_coco wrote:Figured I might as well update too.
I have taken a liking to makeup as of late.
That is kick ass.
Welcome to Australia.

I'm the one on the right, for those of you who haven't seen a picture of me yet.
by Darklight
July 29th, 2013, 8:28 am
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Platinum Moon merger information & welcome thread
Replies: 8
Views: 23726

Re: Platinum Moon merger information & welcome thread

Element_Equinox wrote:welcome to the server everyone. Glad to have some new people ^^
What Nate said. Welcome to you all :)
by Darklight
July 14th, 2013, 8:11 am
Forum: Who are you?
Topic: Pystro
Replies: 8
Views: 13490

Re: Pystro

Too old to play minecraft or literally too old? If you can beat Pemalites approximate age of 26-27 years old (because I can't remember :/), you probably deserve a medal ;)
Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay with fCraft :)
by Darklight
July 9th, 2013, 5:32 am
Forum: Who are you?
Topic: Allow me to introduce myself to you,
Replies: 10
Views: 20842

Re: Allow me to introduce myself to you,

Element_Equinox wrote:
I've sat and watched that gif for the whole 5 minutes since you posted it... is that sad? :?
by Darklight
July 9th, 2013, 4:35 am
Forum: Who are you?
Topic: Allow me to introduce myself to you,
Replies: 10
Views: 20842

Re: Allow me to introduce myself to you,

I think he knew what you meant brad ;)
Element be trolling.

Welcome to fCraft and to le forums :)
by Darklight
July 8th, 2013, 6:22 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Cube World
Replies: 8
Views: 20171

Re: Cube World

Shame that people are DoS'ing them. Shops been down for the last few days.
Edit; got it! Small window of opportunity and finally managed to get it. woohoo!
by Darklight
July 8th, 2013, 5:09 pm
Forum: Server Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Accepting Donations!
Replies: 388
Views: 4919781

Re: Accepting Donations!

Woohoo! Finally managed to get my paypal up and running and donate to the server for le first time, 10e. Confirmation code: 0E006730XB798580J Being the noob I am I forgot to put my username in. Potential colours? Black, white and the numbers staying the same supop red. Dark light 67 . If not ill jus...
by Darklight
July 6th, 2013, 8:08 am
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Cube World
Replies: 8
Views: 20171

Re: Cube World

Looks awesome! This has inspired me to set up my debit card and paypal accounts, finally.
Looking forward to seeing if its as good as you say ;)
by Darklight
July 2nd, 2013, 4:51 am
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Starmade
Replies: 2
Views: 8015


Its basically minecraft, but in space! Currently in Alpha, it works in both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. You make ships, explore, destroy other people and their ships... theres planets, asteroids, shops and space stations scattered around everywhere. Worth checking out if you get the chance, ...
by Darklight
June 24th, 2013, 4:11 pm
Forum: Server Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Log-in Issues? - LauncherX, Charged Miners, WoM
Replies: 34
Views: 721148

Re: Log-in Issues? - LauncherX, Charged Miners, WoM

Good news everyone; the WOM client is fully functional again and you won't need to use an alternative any longer.
Go check out version 3.0 :)
by Darklight
June 24th, 2013, 4:07 pm
Forum: SMP Server Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Revival plans of smp!!!
Replies: 9
Views: 18235

Re: Revival plans of smp!!!

Sure, talking about revival plans and brainstorming is all good, but can you actually make it happen? When push comes to shove, is this going to work? Sorry to be the pessimist of the group, but its a necessary question.
by Darklight
March 18th, 2013, 4:24 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Coolgear13: There may be hope yet!
Replies: 7
Views: 18511

Re: Coolgear13: There may be hope yet!

Ninjacat101 wrote:You're just jealous nobody made a memorial for you :P
I'm sad that nobody thought to make a memorial for me haha ;)
by Darklight
December 24th, 2012, 5:07 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Its Christmas!
Replies: 8
Views: 19717

Its Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you all from here in Australia! Hot weather and sunshine forecast for today; it shall be glorious. To make this post not so pointless, if you get any cool gifts or do anything out of the ordinary today (well, when its Christmas in your timezone), be sure to share it! Ill come back...
by Darklight
December 13th, 2012, 10:47 am
Forum: Who are you?
Replies: 861
Views: 933066


Ollieboy wrote:I'm travelling on business over Darklight's way so we caught up for a beer or several.
Eww.. beer. Strongbow and Canadian club all the way ;)
by Darklight
December 12th, 2012, 2:56 pm
Forum: Who are you?
Replies: 861
Views: 933066


12/12/12 - the day I met Ollieboy.
Photos incoming as soon as he gets access to a computer :)
by Darklight
December 6th, 2012, 5:58 am
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Guild Wars 2
Replies: 38
Views: 50669

Re: Guild Wars 2

So I just got this today! Does anyone still play this? :)
by Darklight
November 25th, 2012, 1:37 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Planetside 2
Replies: 18
Views: 27630

Re: Planetside 2

Only downside is it tends to have periodic lag spikes, which can only be expected. Its just launched and the playerbase is pretty huge. Aside from that, freaking sweet game :)
by Darklight
November 22nd, 2012, 7:08 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Planetside 2
Replies: 18
Views: 27630

Re: Planetsiders 2

^ as Vanu.
by Darklight
November 22nd, 2012, 10:40 am
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Planetside 2
Replies: 18
Views: 27630

Re: Planetsiders 2

Which server do you play on Xes? I wasnt getting too much lag on the EU server, probably because hardly anyone was on. But eh..
Im assuming a US one?
by Darklight
November 22nd, 2012, 5:04 am
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Planetside 2
Replies: 18
Views: 27630

Planetside 2

Those of you who have been on steam for the last few days will have seen that planetsiders 2 is f2p. Pretty awesome game so far, and looks to be worth the 9 gig of download. The purpose of this post, is for those who do play it. What faction and server does everyone play on? Im playing on one of the...
by Darklight
November 1st, 2012, 12:09 pm
Forum: Server Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Mason Command Issues
Replies: 5
Views: 12517

Re: Mason Command Issues

Sanjar Khan wrote:And masons and architects can already be involved in the promotion process.
Following on, the power to promote is an operation command, whereas mason and architect are building ranks.
by Darklight
October 31st, 2012, 5:56 am
Forum: Tekkit Server Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Tekkit - Venting My Thoughts
Replies: 31
Views: 42808

Re: Tekkit - Venting My Thoughts

I agree with Sanjar. I for one would rather a wipe now then in a few months time when we've all collected a crapload more stuff. I don't mind starting again. It's worth noting that wipes will be a necessary part of any minecraft server and while they do suck and do destroy a lot of work put in over ...
by Darklight
October 29th, 2012, 2:47 pm
Forum: Applications
Topic: New main type: Heavenmain
Replies: 8
Views: 13769

Re: New main type: Heavenmain

Kevinsweijen wrote:How close will this be to cloudmain? o.o
Considering what I have in mind, it would be nothing like it. Its difficult to explain through writing though, so im not even going to bother.
by Darklight
October 28th, 2012, 8:32 pm
Forum: Applications
Topic: New main type: Heavenmain
Replies: 8
Views: 13769

Re: New main type: Heavenmain

Well, you have the idea. I won't be able to do anything until early December when university is finished and all my exams are done.
You'll probably need to ask another supop+ or architect to help you should this go ahead.
by Darklight
October 16th, 2012, 5:25 pm
Forum: Appeals
Topic: Ban Appeal - KillerGothone
Replies: 6
Views: 8772

Re: Ban Appeal - KillerGothone

Just a note to add to this. I just went to the Team9000 server and asked they do a /info on the name killergothone (as they have /info limited to +cool rank)

The result came back as "Player not found".
by Darklight
October 11th, 2012, 7:55 pm
Forum: Appeals
Topic: Demotion appeal
Replies: 1
Views: 3968

Re: Demotion appeal

Please refer here:
Sukkersukker replied to your original post.
by Darklight
October 11th, 2012, 6:05 am
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Community Halloween Project
Replies: 19
Views: 29235

Re: Community Halloween Project

Count me in.
by Darklight
October 9th, 2012, 10:31 am
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Tekkit map wipe
Replies: 35
Views: 35659

Re: Tekkit map wipe

Depends on the reasoning behind the wipe proposal.
If there was more information, we may be more inclined to agree with you.