I was demoted after griefing my own build.

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I was demoted after griefing my own build.

Post by XxMaddie15xX »

I'm sorry for trying to delete my own build. I didn't know I would get demoted after that. I am again sorry for causing you this trouble. I would appreciate if I got back my rank. Thank you, and I promise I won't do it again. I know what I did was wrong, and I can fix it. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone isn't perfect. Don't treat us like we are junk. People make mistakes, so don't do something we don't deserve. I'm a person who thinks everyone should be treated equally. Some people grief, and some try their hardest to get back what they deserve. I got my rank when I deserved it. Taking it away will only make things worse. I just want to make a difference, be someone who doesn't take no for an answer. I try my hardest for the things that I want, for the things I desire. If you can't see that, how hard i'm trying to get back what was mine, than don't bother giving it back because your sorry for me. I don't want it. I can get it back from someone who sees what i'm trying to do. I'm just trying to play the game, help as much as I can, and be someone people dream of being. I used to be a Super Op, just like xb0x4dm, and just like others. I helped, I gained, and I lost. That's life. So don't ban people for their mistakes. Don't demote people for their mistakes. Don't make people say sorry to the person who demoted, or banned, that person. Those people who think they are better than everyone, aren't. They are sad losers. They only think of themselves, and don't care about anyone. I probably won't get back my rank, but I'm glad I got to say what was on my mind, and in my heart. My words are true, and no, I'm not sorry. Ban me, demote me, do whatever you want. Remember what happened before when I was ranked. Don't make it happen again. I don't want to loose another person close to me. Another person who made my heart whole when it was empty. I'm just trying to do whats right. Why can't you see that? I make buildings, and I delete them. I delete because I try to get a better rank. I try to get better commands, and go to better places. I try to live like someone. I do what everyone else does. Builds and gets ranked. So if your going to demote me for being me, thanks for being an ass. I might not be like a person you want me to be, but don't make me change. This is me, so deal with it!

Happy building! :)


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Re: I was demoted after griefing my own build.

Post by XxMaddie15xX »

When I say that I dont want to loose someone who made my heart whole when it was empty, I was on a server, the one one that I was super op on, and I met someone there. Fell in love, and he got banned and I never got to see him again. I search and search for him server after server, and never find him. Because of that day, I am different.. Im a leader.. okay.. I say whats on my mind. and my mind is pretty strict. I have a life, and my life is to help others, and not be someone selfish. I found someone who I can relate to. He knows what im going through, and he has been there for me ever since i started going to this server. I also have amazing friends too. Fatality, you da bomb ;) lol and Vik6370. Vik is one of the nicest, and one of the coolest guys ive ever met. You guys are like bros to me. I dont want to loose that. I could be just some builder, but as long as I have them, I dont give a fuck. lol but I would hate to loose them, so please just.. dont ban me. XxMaddie15xX

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Re: I was demoted after griefing my own build.

Post by PyroPyro »

Please read this http://forum.fcraft.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=12 and edit your posts. Thank you.

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Re: I was demoted after griefing my own build.

Post by Ollieboy »

That's some pretty elaborate trolling, but no, I don't think I'm going to allow this in the slightest. You have ignored protocol and questioned our moderation as if we should treat you like the next 1mgc1.
<TKB> Hit_Girl: zombies don't hurt
<TKB> Hit_Girl: weird.
<TKB> Hit_Girl was slain by Zombie
