Just a few days ago It started making a shrieking noise which prompt me to stop being ignorant towards it.
So. I got one of those things they call an SSD. Probably going to only contain Windows 7.
64 GB Kingston SSDnow V Series 425-S2
It's discontinued, but got it off eBay for about $57 used. When I messaged the seller to ask how used it was, he said it was just used as a demo drive for about a week and he got multiple larger capacity SSDs anyways.
Also got this drive for storage.
Western Digital WD Blue WD10EZEX 1TB
Also found on eBay for $77. Yes, it was listed on NewEgg for $74 with 2 day shipping, but I recently bought a number of things from Newegg that came defective, so I just wanted to approach eBay to try to find a reasonable near price to that listed. I sadly won't be able to take advantage of the 6 Gb/s transfer as my mobo can only do 3 Gb/s, but that doesn't really bother me as much.
I did compare the Western Digital Blue to the Black version, but as reviews said online.. there wasn't much of a performance difference. Not so sure if it's true, but I did see some benchmarks and did see only a few mb/s difference. Maybe I'm wrong, but either way, anything is better than this crappy Seagate 1 TB drive I have. Not to mention it only lasted a year before it decided to start to act up.
In the long run, my computer is outdated compared to today's standards. My 6570 was somewhat mid-low end card, but now it's pretty much low end card. Still runs modern games fine, but I am wanting to upgrade sometime soon.
So yeaaah... Just wanting to revive this in a way