Slipped a €10 note in the royal fCraft piggy bank. I'm looking forward on seeing some of these proceeds go towards everyone's favorite nsfw map.
Forgot to include my Username...again. xD
512x512x128 world or the biggest if thats it idk lol! !! thanks so much have a nice day!
"People come In our lives for a reason, some quickly go, others stay for awhile, but the foot steps they leave behind In our heart stay forever, and we are never the same"
I would like a colored name:
%1 A %0 Toxic %9 l %a u %b n %c c %d h %4 box
looking forward to the upgrade
Confirmation number: 2E818228E1422290C
sennec: no, the question is, how did you randomly mine towards those diamonds
sennec: cheater
flashman45: And btw I have special speakers
flashman45: I mean headphones
flashman45: They make a noise when I face diamonds and lava and water
ugh,i have forgot to type my minecraft name :/
heres my donate mail:[email protected]
and the transaction ID:#4WP051821V425293W
i want my forum title:Hey i am ngb!
colour name in server:ngbeslhang
I am ngbeslhang,a Veteran. WTFSpazzbunny use +Fehzor and my(ngbeslhang) chat to make her signature LOL 27 warns = 9 kicks = 1 BAN!
liamraystanley wrote:
ingame name is liamraystanley
i donated 15 euro, more than max idk if i get something extra for that but who cares
want my nick to be a black red pattern
etc... %0Liam%4Ray%0Stanley
and the forum title to be: Code Talker
Ok i donated 15 euro before, so id like to take the extra 5 euro i had before and add an extra 5 euro to make the total be 20 euro.
i dont want a new map, especially because mine isnt full, but id like to have the custom colored name again
name: %fLiam%aRay%8Stanley
white, light green, dark grey.
i hope this can be accomplished.
Confirmation number: 8RT84699FS9384318.
EDIT: Previous confirmation # when i donated 15 Euro:
liamraystanley wrote:ok, my pin code thingy is 9AT76657D2449043F
New confirmation code:
(Forgot IGN in donation sorry)
4 Euro this time, overall, being 24 Euro. Small world, I guess :3
Make it match the others, u_liam01, and u_liam_02. If anyone wants it, they can have it, no biggy.
<+FCB>Arvarna: i think your banhammer needs a downgrade
We just need the confirmation code that was associated with your donation please.
We would also like your in-game name so we can give you a few small incentives like a personal map and colored name to say thanks!
Thank you for your donation!
Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest
White is cold and always yearning burdened by a royal test
Black the beast descends from shadows
Yellow beauty burns gold
Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest
White is cold and always yearning burdened by a royal test
Black the beast descends from shadows
Yellow beauty burns gold
I would like as colored name #3 (old op color)
and as forum title freewillie
I would like to give 1 of the worlds to burn22 and 1 to fiercereacter .
idk if there is enough for small world but if so i would like to claim it for myself.
ollieboy: everyone here is a shrimpy nerd, you can take us.
[23:13] <SMB> nuclearwaffle121 I just swam across the entire ocean
[23:13] <SMB> nuclearwaffle121 drowned
[23:13] <SMB> nuclearwaffle121 WELP
Forum Title: Anyone can have this, I don't want it.
Map: I don't need that either right now.
Confirmation: 4TC310477V9888508
11:25 PM <CMB> M1_Abrams: Beard, I wrote that you are my favorite rapper, can you rap?
11:26 PM <CMB> TheBeardmaster: i can rap on the fly, i just gotta get a li'l high, which ain't so hard, you just gotta try
For my name I would like this please: #0 A #1 toxic #0 lunch #1 box
sennec: no, the question is, how did you randomly mine towards those diamonds
sennec: cheater
flashman45: And btw I have special speakers
flashman45: I mean headphones
flashman45: They make a noise when I face diamonds and lava and water
11:25 PM <CMB> M1_Abrams: Beard, I wrote that you are my favorite rapper, can you rap?
11:26 PM <CMB> TheBeardmaster: i can rap on the fly, i just gotta get a li'l high, which ain't so hard, you just gotta try
BTW - I know there were a crapton of problems with the server in early February (well, what can we do against such a prolonged attack?) but we didn't make the cut this month...
We had only 50 Euros donated, which is less than stellar and doesn't even cover the costs. Luckily last month created a slight buffer, so we're about dead even, but still.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left. - Bertrand Russell