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Upgraded Account Change/Infoswap

Posted: September 25th, 2011, 8:08 pm
by Honeypaw
(Account Change/Infoswap)-FlowBro44

When:18/09/2011 Who:SanjarKhan
Reason:disliked user name

Reason why we should change:I would like if a trustee+ could change my username back to Honeypaw mainly because I dont like this name and almost everyone i talk to says they like Honeypaw better.So all im asking for is a acc change/Infoswap if thats not a problem.And if the promo reason could be Infoswap FlowBro44 becuase the current promo reason is hmm which is misleading cause it sounds like ive been demoted.And last thing if its possible could you but the number of weeks ive been vet for only if its possible cause im very precautionary and i hope to get op soon. Thank you! :pig:

Re: Upgraded Account Change/Infoswap

Posted: September 27th, 2011, 3:24 am
by Darklight
This was done by Zaneo today. This topic can be closed.