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The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 6:55 am
by xN8Gx
I recently read Inferno, by Dante Alighiero, and I started thinking earlier today about how guests are kind of in their own hell on the server (they can't use any commands, they have no control over grief happening to them other than to yell for help from vet+, and until they get builder, they're trapped together in main/guest). So I started thinking of how to rank the guests in their own little groups, and that led me to create The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Please note that this thread is specifically for the laughs.

First Circle: Destined Builders
The fated few. These guys walk into the server and literally shit excellence. Or, at least excellence as far as building without commands goes. They don't ask questions, they don't make a hassle, they just find a spot on the map and get to it. Half the time, they don't even think to ask for a promotion when they're done; builders or veterans wind up flying around and calling on an operator for them. Unfortunately, there are too few of this kind of guest; otherwise, I'm sure after a few months, the server would have more masons than operators.

Second Circle: Casual Guests
For these guests, they aren't much more than that; guests. They come in, make a build or two, talk to others around them, leave, and repeat either later that day or the day afterwards. Every now and again, they will surprise you and make a builder-worthy creation, but it isn't often. More than likely, this circle will be promoted on good stats and server dedication than anything else. They generally don't cause problems, but they may wind up getting in trouble for not knowing the server rules at first.

Third Circle: Immature Whiners
This circle is notorious for one line: "I need an op to come check my build" (variations may vary due to the persons age, maturity, or intelligence, or some awful combination of the three). In most cases, this circle will create a small build, add a couple of rooms, maybe some furniture, and immediately afterwards spam chat for every op on the server (if they could, they'd spam the world) to come by and rank their attempt at a build. This group is also notorious for not being the quickest to understand that they need to "add a bit more to it". When this phrase is offered, they will whine, complain, throw a tantrum, and/or descend into one of the lower circles of hell to compensate for pathetic building skills. Seeing as how whining isn't against the rules (unless done in extremely long doses), they will continue to bitch and moan for builder rank, completely unaware at how much less and less the operators, or anyone else, really cares...

Fourth Circle: Tunnellers
This is a semi-common appearance of guest, but when you stop and think about it, a very strange one. This circle enjoys keeping itself buried in the dirt and stone blocks rather than making something above ground for everyone to see and enjoy. About 98% of the time, this group will stay on main (I'm willing to believe every now and again, some guest gets curious about antfarm and decides to try it out). This group holds some of the best escape artists on the server, since they can just jump down a tunnel, seal it off from behind, and keep running forward. They are tricky, but not uncatchable. This circle is the first that can be potentially kicked off the server, although kicks based on tunnelling alone are pretty uncommon.

Fifth Circle: Spammers and Spleefers
An aesthetic nuisance. This circle is divided into two semi-circles, each with similar degrees of douchebaggery. The spammers will randomly generate lines of whatever kind of block they want onto the server with absolutely no constructive purpose behind it at all. When they first start, it can be difficult to tell them apart from any other guest, but if they just keep forming lines of misplaced blocks all the way across the map, you've got a spamming little douche. Also in this circle are the spleefers. This subgroup specializes in knocking out the blocks beneath you, causing you to sometimes fall off your build or fall deeper into the world. On the one hand, this group of people is just as bad as griefers, but when you stop and think about it, spleefers take their issue to you rather than to your builds. So for that reason, they are one circle above griefers just for having the balls to pick a fight with you rather than to mess with your stuff. In the sad event more than one of these guys get together, you can (and usually will) have what looks like a bunch of tunnellers all huddling together and doing their thing. The interesting thing about this group is that if you are vet+ (aka you have the ability to hide), you can unhide and stay on the ground to test their spleefing prowess; if they try to spleef you, theyre screwed. :)

Sixth Circle: Griefers and Trolls
Unfortunately, this circle tends to be the most abundant of all the guests. It's hard to say whether they log on and wreak havoc due to personal insecurities, lack of any building/social skills, or because they are truly just the scum of the Minecraft world, but in any situation, these guys fuck shit up in whatever way they can to earn themselves the most hateful attention possible. As with the last circle, this circle can be divided into two subgroups, each distinct but very similar in effect. The trolls exist mainly to piss anybody who will listen off. They do not shy away from profanity, racism, disrespect for authority, or insulting someones respective maternal unit. In fact, they thrive off the reactions of annoyance and eventually hostility. The best way to handle a troll (other than just muting their ass for 5 minute periods at a time) is to simply try to piss them off instead. You see, trolls do not have much control over their emotions, seeing as how they thrive off negativity. So if you in turn piss them off, they will react with rage and give you a non-negotiable reason to kick them out (at least until they inevitably return about two more times until their long-overdue ban). On the other end of the circle lies the most infamous guest of them all; the griefer. They are Steve-shaped wrecking balls, with no remorse for their actions and no conscience to care whose build they are destroying, how much energy they devoted to it, or if they were trying to use it to go for builder. In short, they're basically creepers with an account name and password. The best way to spot a griefer is /bi for builder+, but in the event that the worlds been around for too long, then /info guest names to find the ones who have deleted a couple thousand and placed less than a hundred; more often then not, those 2k deleted were knocked out of someone's build. Griefers are also masters of another trick; playing dumb. If you freeze one, their reaction 9 times out of 10 will sound something like this; "Wtf are you talking about, I didn't grief anything, I promise!" (note this is usually said right before they continue griefing). These guests serve no purpose outside of making other people's lives and entertainment more miserable, so do whatever you can to avoid them as a guest, and destroy them as a veteran+.

Seventh Circle: Swastikas, Speedgrief, and the Demoted
This is the lowest form of Guest life you can find. Remember how I mentioned the scum of the Minecraft world in that last circle? If that scum were to poo, it would belong here. Guests who fit into this circle of Guest-Hell are buying themselves a quick and painful ban from which there really isn't any coming back from. This circle is comprised of three subcircles. The Swastika makers are the easiest to spot, as the familiar and distinct shape of swastikas are pretty easy to find anywhere. However, that is part of their nature; they want to be noticed for their views, which further adds to their monumental douchebaggery. They are the most extreme case of trolls, and thankfully, can be instantly banned from the server, no questions asked. The next subcircle is the Speedgriefers, who use the World of Minecraft client to enhance their griefy ways. They are at times, a tremendous pain in the ass to catch, since they will be flying and zooming across the map, removing blocks as quick as you can follow them. However, should you manage to get a freeze on him, do make sure they get a nice classy instant ban all the same. Finally, the last subcircle belongs to the Demoted. They are at the lowest circle of Hell because they knew the rules, and obeyed them enough to earn special commands, but once they had that little fragment of power, they turned around and abused it. They are a risk factor amongst builders as well, seeing as how they have the potential to bring a bit of Hell to the safety of the builder worlds. However, once builder grief is spotted, it is usually met with a demotion and sometimes a ban to match, with the opportunity for redemption existing on the forums that only a very small few ever capitalize on.

And that concludes my list of The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell. Enjoy :)

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 7:24 am
by Helio_
Very nice Nate, *applauds*.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 8:09 am
by Ollieboy
Very clever indeed.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 9:15 am
by Sanjar Khan
The first class are usually undiscovered supops

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 10:50 am
by cdferg
I love it.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 11:13 am
by PyroPyro
Woah, great work!


Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 11:21 am
by barrowboyjames
Very good indeed! I'm the 3rd... I'll admit that. (and just to be pedantic, /bi is also for guests!)

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 11:28 am
by Pemalite
Ha. Epic work xN8Gx. And right on the money!

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 11:48 am
by TheMastBoss
Really nice. :D

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 12:03 pm
by Kittle
Well that made my morning! I'll buy the book as soon as you release it!

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 12:33 pm
by lucky_pierre
I applaud you, this is pretty great.
:flower: :flower: :flower:

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 2:55 pm
by Intertoothh
In short, they're basically creepers with an account name and password.
I loved it.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 4:25 pm
by KingCrab
xNG8x wrote:insulting someones respective maternal unit.

That, is clever wording

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 5:48 pm
by DutchKazuya
Nice post :D
I guess I am 1 till 3, I always start with being a mild 3, I make a half decent house, like 10x10 or 15x15 with 2 floors a roof and furniture and then ask for a review to see how much they demand for a certain rank.
If being 3 doesn't work I turn into 2 and build a large house which looks nice on the out- and inside.
If I like the server because I get a lot of commands with not THAT much of work I turn into 3 and make huge mansions completely decorated with a HUGE garden and high quality pixel art.

Once again nice post, I really love it :D
Although I don't completely agree with the order of the circles, I think griefer is worse than spleefer as it is easier to recover from spleef then from grief, and your work at least isnt damaged, which is my number one frustration on minecraft and king arthurs gold...

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 6:02 pm
by Sanjar Khan
Griefer is worse than spleefer.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 6:46 pm
by xN8Gx
DutchKazuya wrote: Although I don't completely agree with the order of the circles, I think griefer is worse than spleefer as it is easier to recover from spleef then from grief
That is how the circles are ordered mate. The further down into Hell you go, the worse kind of Guests you will find. That's why the best guests made it in Circle One while the instabans reside in Circle Seven.

I seemed to have left out guests who use caps lock to chat. That should probably fit into the troll section. But anyway, thanks all :D glad you enjoyed it.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 9:09 pm
by Trepvalkyrie
8) I like.

I was a whiny little bitch when i asked for a promotion to builder, or was it member? :lol:

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 9:26 pm
by Sanjar Khan
I think I zoned your first ship on main

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 2:02 pm
by DutchKazuya
Lol your right, I read the circles wrong...
New point I disagree on which I seemed to have missed last time:
Swatsikas and speed griefers.
To me they are worse than spleefers but I still think normal griefers are worse.
Why griefers are worse than their speed equivelant:
90% of the time I see a speed griefer he just runs while punching your wall, makes a circle around your house and he is done.
Damage: minimal, because 90% of the speed griefers i see also use wom to speed up movement speed, aka they cant aim and they dont stay to finish the jobs, they are like griefers but instead of doing severe damage to one structure they do minimal damage across half the map, which I see as less worse because it's easier to fix and it's not as frustrating to see a lot of holes than it is to see a whole floor missing.
And swatsikas?
I don't really care about it anymore
YES I know it's bad and it hurts people, but I just can't seem to take it as serious as I used to, to me it's just a worse version of a drawn penis, nothing more.
Not trying to offend people who feel bad when they see one but I personnally stopped seeing them as extremely offensive becasue it's usually just a physical troll or scream for attention.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 2:05 pm
by Sanjar Khan
90% of the speedgriefers fly around main spamming blocks and griefing the entire grass floor.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 2:34 pm
by xN8Gx
xN8Gx wrote: Please note that this thread is specifically for the laughs.
This isn't a debate over which griefer is worse (I've learned my lesson about posting a debate on here after the Communist Symbol thread -_-).

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 7th, 2011, 1:33 am
by Ollieboy
It is now a debate about which griefer is worse.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 7th, 2011, 6:09 am
by barrowboyjames
Speed-griefers.... obviously... debate over

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 7th, 2011, 7:28 pm
by xN8Gx
Ollieboy wrote:It is now a debate about which griefer is worse.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 7:26 am
by Ollieboy
Silly Charmander, he can't live in a house, he has a fire on his tail that will burn things.

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 9:01 am
by DutchKazuya
I still think speed griefer isnt that bad, no major damage to one structure so less annoying to one person opposed to minor damage to a ton of buildings causing minor annoyance to a few players (taking for granted that not ALL the owners of ALL the griefed players are online)

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 9:24 am
by Sanjar Khan
Speedgriefers cause major damage to everything

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 1:45 am
by cartmen838213
nice work n8g, i was 1 with a decent amount of 3, i didnt know what i was doing, but when i figured it out i built ALOT. and speed griefers are worse, when you dont have undox its a bitch cleaning up after them :P

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 9:02 am
by barrowboyjames
cartmen838213 wrote:nice work n8g, i was 1 with a decent amount of 3, i didnt know what i was doing, but when i figured it out i built ALOT. and speed griefers are worse, when you dont have undox its a bitch cleaning up after them :P
Arrogance! :x

Re: The Seven Circles of Guest-Hell

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 5:43 pm
by Cartoonman
Darn it, i'm in the Seventh Circle...

I don't persume it's correlated to Seventh Heaven by any chance... :?