[Demotion Appeal] - Fritholly

Appeal any bans, kicks or demotions that you feel you did not deserve here.
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[Demotion Appeal] - Fritholly

Post by fritholly »

When: 8/11/11
Who: Darklight67
Reason Given: Command Abuse. Appeal on forum.fcraft.net
Why we should unban/unkick/repromote you:

i am here to appeal for a recent demotion i received for apparently abusing commands
earlier that day i was told i could only do paint commands in 50 blocks or less
and unlimited in any other world but main i was demoted in a guest world while i was helping somebody because they wanted a very large pool and i just thought i could help them after i made a large hole and filled it with water i was emoted for abusing commands
i don't think it was right for me to be demoted for that because i was just helping somebody andi was on the guest world not on the main and i had been told it was fine there.i would greatly appreciate if i could get my rank back because i really like this server.
Last edited by Darklight on November 8th, 2011, 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited to the correct template

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Re: [Demotion Appeal] - Fritholly

Post by Darklight »

Okay, so I decided to edit this for you because I really just want to get this over and done with.
So like you said, you were helping a guest with a building, which by the way, there was nothing wrong with.
There were a number of instances where I warned you about using your commands, such as the big holes in main, making cuboids around the map etc. The big holes especially look extremely out of place and unused. Main already looks like shit without builders digging cuboid holes into it. Builder worlds dont look so out of place with holes like that.
Then on guest, you decided to paste in the exact same holes in the ground you were making on main in two different places. I ended up having to fix both of these. One of those holes ended up griefing someones build which in all honesty I should have banned you for. And then after I had demoted you, I discovered a yellow ellipsoid made by you which had griefed another persons build. Again, more than enough reason to ban you. I was also told by a fellow staff member that you were warned for kick abusing and command abusing earlier on.
You stated that you didnt think any of the things you did were command abuse and that by demoting you I was abusing my commands. It is absolutely clear that you were and I hope you are able to admit that now. Grief by builders is especially serious, even accidental.

So im going to accept your appeal with a few conditions.
1) Only use your commands on builder worlds (but with the exception of water and lava for helping guests). If anything looks like its been spammed or abused, a demotion will follow.
2) If I find any grief, even accidental, I will not hesitate to ban you. Be extra careful of what you do.

Let me know if you agree with these conditions here and I will repromote you.
Appeal: Accepted with conditions.

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Re: [Demotion Appeal] - Fritholly

Post by fritholly »

and i undid every one of those holes sorry for the caps

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Re: [Demotion Appeal] - Fritholly

Post by Darklight »

If it is possible, could I please get this thread re-opened?

Something has been bought to my attention by a member of staff and I have changed my decision on repromoting you. This shouldnt have even happened.
Disrespect towards everyone, especially towards staff shows me you still have a lot to learn.

"im dropping it guys just cuz im really oissed and i dont wan tto get bann"

You should have dropped it when you were first told to, not from fear of being banned. You had absolutely no reason to be pissed off. I dont think youre ready for a ranked position with the attitude you have, let alone a place on our server.

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Re: [Demotion Appeal] - Fritholly

Post by Hit-Girl »

Enjoy being banned. That behavior isn't acceptable, and I won't take any kinda of disrespectful behavior aimed at our staff.

Code: Select all

[2011-11-08 22:56:08] fritholly: the ops on this server suck
In that case, you'll enjoy finding a new server. Adios amigos.

p.s. Don't appeal, as you'll be denied.
<SMB> pen23: Hit you are so mean and pathetic and a liar and you're ugly and fat
