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[FIXED] player already ranked can not join

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 7:42 pm
by cateye
when you rank a player that has never been on the server, so he is not in the player database. But is ranked. Then he cant join

server keeps saying this: Player.LoginSequence: Could not verify player name for .... (....). IP did not match. Player was kicked.

when i add there ip between the ,,
then they can join

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 8:55 pm
by fragmer

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 10:09 pm
by cateye
thanks for replying

i tried that several times

but when i added their ip in the database it worked direct

HMmM its not working for all people
i just got an message from an player that he still cant connect

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 6:07 pm
by cateye

i deleted the file PlayerDB and restarted the server.
and now the people which could before not join can now join perfectly?

so i think the problem is there,
i also saw that some people where 2 times in the PlayerDB file

what i think: if you rank notch to builder. then he is added to the playerDB as notch and the rank builder

then later notch is conecting to the server, the server ads him for the second time to playerDB but now as guest (default rank) + ads his ip to the database

the servers kicks him because it dont knows who is notch, the notch ranked as builder whit no ip, or the notch as guest whit the ip in the database

some people still seems to have conecting problems

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 1:04 am
by fragmer
Sorry, but I don't understand anything from your last two posts. I'll try to explain how name verification works:

To ensure that players that are connecting your server are not impersonating someone else, generates a unique pass key ("mppass") for connecting players, based on player's name and your server's secret key (known as "salt"). The key is different for every player/server combination. If you use WoM's "resume" feature, it reuses the last mppass. However if you restart your server, a new salt is generated, and all old mppasses will not work (so "resume" will stop working).
  • "Strict" verification: If player does not have a valid mppass, they are not allowed.
  • "Normal" verification: If the played does not have a valid mppass, server checks whether they have successfully logged in from the same IP address in the past. Players who do not yet have an IP address on file (no PlayerDB record) are not allowed without a valid mppass. Unverified connections from localhost (your local computer) are also allowed.
  • "None (Unsafe)" verification: All players are allowed in, and a warning is shown if a player did not pass the "Normal" verification test.
I can't imagine how deleting your PlayerDB file will help, since no one will have IP addresses on file and "Normal" verification fallback will not work.

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 5:22 pm
by Hellenion
Would reloading your salt potentially help when one is experiencing the "player could not be verified" bug?

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 10:21 pm
by fragmer
Generating a new salt (either with "/reload salt" or by restarting the server) will cause your server to temporarily go out of sync with (it'll take a couple minutes for heartbeat to synchronize). It would also invalidate WoM's cached mppass (for "Resume" button), which would especially affect people with dynamic IPs. So overall, it would cause more issues than it would solve.

Re: player already ranked can not join

Posted: February 21st, 2012, 11:08 pm
by fragmer