If you want Dankirk on your own server, scroll a bit further and see "How to get Dankirk for my server?".
Bots purpose is to answer spontaneous questions mainly asked by guests and lower builder ranks, record stats, and otherwise support the servers management, eg. by auto performing a "hacked account check" on joining players. (More in Misc Functions)
The bot is currently on 11 classic servers and partially on 2 SMP servers.
All this is made possible by fCraft or similiar server software able to send server messages to an IRC channel. The main part of the bot is a mIRC script, that is supported by a MySQL database and a PHP+Javascript enabled website for configuration/stats.
I'd really appreciate any donations via PayPal
Just remember the greedy PayPal takes 0.30€ + 2.9% of the sum.
How to get Dankirk for my server?
However, here's some prerequisites you need to take care of before contacting me:
- Set up an IRC channel for your Minecraft server. fCraft's IRC settings can be found in it's configuration tool. (ConfigGUI.exe)
- Tick all checkboxes in fCraft's settings related to messages between IRC and game (chat, colors, joins/leaves, kicks, promotes)
- If the selected IRC network supports it (most do), register fCrafts bridge bot so you can give it autovoice status on the channel. Later you'll need to give autovoice status for my bot too.
After your PM I will join my bot to your channel and contact you with a password reset link for my bot's configuration website. Once you have set a password, you should share it with other trusted people so settings can be changed even when you aren't present.
Next you'll need to set up rest of the bot settings for your server. I will help with this part to make things faster.
To access the configuration pages you'll need a password set by a server admin.
Website options explained
- Settings page
Server Name - This name will be pasted when players (guests) ask "what's the name of this server".
Bot Name Regex - Regular expression of the IRC bot fCraft or similiar software uses for the server. Regexes are case-sensitive.
Bot Auth Name - For additional security you can register your server's bridge bot for the IRC network, if you did, put the registered name here.
Website - This website will be pasted for appealing etc.
HowToFly - Reply for the most notorious question.
Bot Muted/Disabled - Disables all replies on the server. (!mute/!unmute affects this setting)
Listen in Frontpage Stats - Untick if you don't want your server stats shown to others.
Rank Detection - Bot will be able to tell players rank by analyzing the colors and prefix of the playername printed to IRC.
Impersonation Check - The bot attempts to detect and warn for random IRC users that have similiar looking nicks to users that have +voice or @op status. Type !allow <nickname> or voice them if the warning is falsepositive.
Fun Facts - Tells server stats based facts when asked.
Jokes - Tells poor jokes when asked
Sing-along Themes - Can singalong MLP and Pokemon themes in verses with players
Multilanguage/Non-English server - Tick to disable !english
Ranks page is pretty self explanatory. Fill in the rank details so they match the server settings and IRC messages. Remember to click save.
The Tier of the rank tells which rank is higher. Higher tier = higher rank. Tier must be between 0-99. All unidentified player color+prefix combinations will be treated as of tier 0.
Custom Rules page
If you have knowledge in "regular expressions" you can define your own bot replies here for the server.
The checkbox on the left side enables/disables the regmatch and it's reply.
A performance test will be done for the expressions to verify they can be used efficiently.
Should the test fail, the rule will be saved but disabled.
In your custom replies you may use following variables: $nick, $rank, $nextrank, $players, $ircnames
Stats page shows the current stats the bot has recorded about the server.
- How do I fly? - <nick>, for how to fly/speed visit: http://is.gd/howtofly
Whats the server name? - <nick>, Server name is: fCraft.net Freebuild Official
How to get rank? - <nick>, Ask an Op to come check your build for builder, Vet promo's are automatic, To get Mason/Architect, show your builds at http://forum.fcraft.net
How do I get water? - <nick>, you need to be Builder to place water/lava. They can use /water or /lava.
How to set off tnt? - <nick>, you can't blow the tnt in creative mode.
Help, im stuck - <nick>, Press R to get back to last saved point (ENTER to save current location) or type /spawn to go to start.
How do i get grass? - <nick>, Type /grass and place ground blocks.
What is spleefing? - Spleefing: Deleting blocks under a person.
What is griefing? - Griefing: Destroying other peoples stuff, random blocks, tunnels or holes.
Can i tunnel here? - Tunnel with purpose. No random tunneling.
How to go to other worlds? - <nick>, Type /worlds to see map list. /j MapName to go there.
How do you build so fast? - <nick>, You need to be member to use /c to fill in or clear areas at once.
How do I use /c ? - <nick>, To learn /c, Type /j school (Enabled only for fCraft's offical server)
What are the rules? - <nick>, Type /rules
How to get rid of water? - <nick>, just place a block on top the water/lava
Thanks dankirk - np. (This has multiple diffrent responses and only works for people that asked something recently)
Does server have a website? - <nick>, Server website: http://forum.fcraft.net
How to chat privately? - <nick>, Type: @playername infront of your message to chat privately
When is main reset? - <nick>, Main world is reset 1-2 times a day. Other worlds stay. (Enabled only for fCraft Offical and SpA)
3 msgs IN ALL CAPS - <nick>, Please turn off caps. (Enabled only for ranks lower than Op)
Dankirk tell fun fact - Tells a fun fact based on recorded stats. Has 11 diffrent responses that are picked at random. You can also specify which fact you want by giving number 1-11 at end of the sentence.
- !players (or .players) - Shows the number of players on server (Usable by IRC ops and voiced people)
!spleef - Performs a countdown for a spleef match (Usable by Veteran+, +web config)
!english <player> - Tells specified player to speak english in chat (in language he last spoke. GoogleTranslate is used for the translations. Usable in game by Op+ +web config)
!promoratio - Shows percentage of players that have gotten themselves demoted/banned after you promoted them (in game by Op+)
!fly - Replies with the how-to-fly message
!mute - Disables Dankirk's autoreplies for the server. (Usable by IRC operators and Trustee+ ingame, +web config)
!unmute - Enables Dankirk's autoreplies for the server. (Usable by IRC operators and Trustee+ ingame, +web config)
!bans - Reports which players have been kicked more than 3 times within 6 days. This is also broadcasted everytime such person gets kicked again. (in game by Op+)
!ignoreme - Will stop Dankirk from replying to you with instructive messages. !commands will still work. Lasts until !unignoreme is given. (in game)
!unignoreme - Enables instructive messages for you again. (in game)
!passreset #channel (Only PM on IRC) - Resets the password for web config. (Usable by IRC operators)
Bot automatically checks if any joining player is on "publicly known" hacked accounts list and warns them if they are. Bot uses this website to do the checks: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
Stats like number of kicks, bans, promotes, demotes, joins, and replies are recorded for later use and are viewable via website.
Impersonating People
The bot can detect if /say is used to impersonate someone on the server and announces this with "That's wasn't real <nickname>". The reply: "That wasn't me O_o" is seen when Dankirk is being impersonated.
On IRC I (the real me) will always talk through my bot which uses an authed nickname "Dankirk". I will never make a second connection or use any other nickname.
In game i use playername "dankirk".
Spam protection
The bot has a general spam protection of 1 second. This means that after a reply the bot will ignore all other messages until a second has passed. Note that there may be delay between IRC and the game. This prevents the bot flooding itself out of irc network.
There is also player specific spam protection. Any player lower rank than Op that asks more than 5 questions within 4 minute interval gets ignored for next 30 minutes.
http://dankirk.webs.com/mIRC%20Scripts/ ... oreply.txt
I'll put up the new sources once everything is in order with the new stuff.