Option 1: ClassiCube client (recommended)
A new open-source Minecraft client. Looks and behaves similarly to vanilla client, but has lots of performance/stability/feature improvements. Frequently updated.
Download for Windows: ClassiCube.exe (74 KB)
Download for Linux/Mac: ClassiCube.jar (26 KB)
After starting for the first time, click [Switch to Minecraft.net]. In-game, press [Z] to toggle flying on/off. Client requires Java 7 (will not work with Java 6). For more information, please visit ClassiCube.net (registration required for the forums).
Post your questions/problems/ideas for the launcher (startup, login, server list, and update issues) here.
Post your questions/problems/ideas for the game client (in-game issues) here.
Download for Windows: ClassiCube.exe (74 KB)
Download for Linux/Mac: ClassiCube.jar (26 KB)
After starting for the first time, click [Switch to Minecraft.net]. In-game, press [Z] to toggle flying on/off. Client requires Java 7 (will not work with Java 6). For more information, please visit ClassiCube.net (registration required for the forums).
Post your questions/problems/ideas for the launcher (startup, login, server list, and update issues) here.
Post your questions/problems/ideas for the game client (in-game issues) here.
Option 2: World of Minecraft (WoM) client
World of Minecraft (WoM) client was one of the first widely-available custom clients. It's a little old and buggy, but it gets the job done. Hasn't been updated in months.
Download for Windows: WoMClient-3.0.zip (2.00 MB)
Download for OSX/Mac: WoMClient-3.0.dmg (2.44 MB)
Download for Linux: WoMClient-3.0.tar.bz2 (2.11 MB)
You may have to register a WorldOfMinecraft.com account to download. Client requires Java 6 (may be buggy with Java 7). If you are using an older version of WoM (before 3.0), consider updating -- some old bugs have been fixed.
Useful Links:
More Information: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/Game_Client
Does the menu appear when you click?: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/StayFocus (Not for beginners. If you still cannot get this to work, i have the l.class file, that MIGHT work for you. Must PM me on IRC to get a zip link for the class file.)
Faulty Java/Java 7 & WoM Issues: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/content ... -minecraft
Want to change from Software render to Hardware render, or vise-versa?: Simply select the input field that says "mc://" and type "redetect" and press enter. It will give you a message that "GL redetection enabled". Proceed with your login and it will give you a chance to tell it to use software mode again.
Download for Windows: WoMClient-3.0.zip (2.00 MB)
Download for OSX/Mac: WoMClient-3.0.dmg (2.44 MB)
Download for Linux: WoMClient-3.0.tar.bz2 (2.11 MB)
You may have to register a WorldOfMinecraft.com account to download. Client requires Java 6 (may be buggy with Java 7). If you are using an older version of WoM (before 3.0), consider updating -- some old bugs have been fixed.
Useful Links:
More Information: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/Game_Client
Does the menu appear when you click?: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/StayFocus (Not for beginners. If you still cannot get this to work, i have the l.class file, that MIGHT work for you. Must PM me on IRC to get a zip link for the class file.)
Faulty Java/Java 7 & WoM Issues: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/content ... -minecraft
Want to change from Software render to Hardware render, or vise-versa?: Simply select the input field that says "mc://" and type "redetect" and press enter. It will give you a message that "GL redetection enabled". Proceed with your login and it will give you a chance to tell it to use software mode again.
Option 3: LauncherX (WoM fix) (Requires WoM)
LauncherX is an addition to WoM, that adds a sleek new Classic Server List.
This method, is quite easy, and it still uses WoM. Hasn't been updated in a while.
Keep on loading a single player world and not actually joing a server?: there is a current bug with LauncherX that when using WoM+LauncherX on a new system/formated system, not all data variables are created.
Due to this, you have to manually enter in the variables, or use the file located HERE
1. Download and unzip
2. Right-click on minecraft.reg and hit [Edit]
3. Find the section that says "username"="put your username here" and enter your username. For example, it should look like this for me: "username"="liamraystanley" (remember that it is case-sensitive)
4. Save using [Save], not Save-as. Double-click on the minecraft.reg to use it
5. When prompted allow the changes to be made, then start up LauncherX (make sure you select sign-in not resume the first time)
More info: You can also use regedit/registry editor to add these strings, but it is quite easier not to
For more information, instructions, and download, check out this link:
This method, is quite easy, and it still uses WoM. Hasn't been updated in a while.
Keep on loading a single player world and not actually joing a server?: there is a current bug with LauncherX that when using WoM+LauncherX on a new system/formated system, not all data variables are created.
Due to this, you have to manually enter in the variables, or use the file located HERE
1. Download and unzip
2. Right-click on minecraft.reg and hit [Edit]
3. Find the section that says "username"="put your username here" and enter your username. For example, it should look like this for me: "username"="liamraystanley" (remember that it is case-sensitive)
4. Save using [Save], not Save-as. Double-click on the minecraft.reg to use it
5. When prompted allow the changes to be made, then start up LauncherX (make sure you select sign-in not resume the first time)
More info: You can also use regedit/registry editor to add these strings, but it is quite easier not to

For more information, instructions, and download, check out this link:
Option 4: Charged Miners (currently broken)
Note that viewing the server list in Charged-Miners does NOT work at the moment, due to recent changes at Minecraft.net. It needs to be updated (and it has not been updated in a long time).
Charged Miners is a open source Minecraft Classic Launcher/Wrapper/Client.
CM (Charged Miners) is small, fast, and elegent. CM has the ability to load Classic, and Premium texture packs. Not only does CM have texture support, CM has Anti-Alias, Far (very freakin' far) view distance, and shadows; best of all, CM replaces WoM, the broken, unstable, relentless Minecraft Classic Wrapper. CM has its own server list, so charged should hold you back from playing online!
Download for Windows: ChargedMiners.exe (144 KB)
Note that the launcher requires .NET Framework. The client itself requires a fairly modern videocard. For more information and instructions, please visit
Charged Miners is a open source Minecraft Classic Launcher/Wrapper/Client.
CM (Charged Miners) is small, fast, and elegent. CM has the ability to load Classic, and Premium texture packs. Not only does CM have texture support, CM has Anti-Alias, Far (very freakin' far) view distance, and shadows; best of all, CM replaces WoM, the broken, unstable, relentless Minecraft Classic Wrapper. CM has its own server list, so charged should hold you back from playing online!
Download for Windows: ChargedMiners.exe (144 KB)
Note that the launcher requires .NET Framework. The client itself requires a fairly modern videocard. For more information and instructions, please visit
Option 5: XWoM (WoM Enhancement) (Requires WoM)
XWoM is a WoM (World of Minecraft) client enhancer. It adds more features to the main WoM launcher window, and speeds the server list by 10x.
For more information, instructions, and download, check out this link:
For more information, instructions, and download, check out this link: