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I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 7:45 pm
by Knom16
Hello everyone,
I don't know how, but directly when I clicked the Server IRC URL in our forum, my anti-virus system (avast) said: "Virus founded". Before I just was able to press ALT + F4 my computer was fucked up. I wasn't able to do anythink, just to pay money ... blah blah. I think you know what I mean. (there are existing a lot of this virus-types). So I started my computer with the task-manager to have the full controll of all autostart programms. After I got my computer just working on basic windows-programms I started to look for the virus. No result. So I needed to reset my system 4h ago to delet the Virus automaticly. It worked

But now I'm wondering -> WHY DID I GOT A VIRUS FROM OUR IRC?
I know a lot of websides like " a d f l y . c o m " where you can often get virus-types like that, but mabbit where a virus could be downloaded automaticly? (if you don't have a good anti-virus softwear) I don't have enough time atm to google if you really could get a virus from mabbit irc but please take it carefully. I got a virus by our IRC webside "mabbit".

PS -> I'm sure that it had to be mabbit cause it was the onliest webside I OPEND at this moment.
PSS -> at it was the advertising where sb loaded up a virus, perhaps it was it at mabbit too.

This is german.

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 8:01 pm
by Desosus
I have no idea but mbbit is not run by fCraft. It's completely independent of us, we just post the link on the forums as a quick and easy way to get onto the espernet IRC server for those who don't know about or don't want to use a proper IRC client.

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 8:04 pm
by Knom16
I know. I just wanted to say that it could be dangerous to use IRC how I see this. :/

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 9:09 pm
by LiamRayStanley
Even thought it is possible that Mibbit could have caused that (with is rediculous) any live type local-storing webpages or java type pages could have caused this. plus i cant read german, but MOST and i mean most (97%) of all virus detection programs have fake virus's. this means that it could even say that when playing minecraft, minecraft has a virus. also being said that you are using Avast, im going to say that it has live chest access (live file scan, on internet ports and cache/tmp files. again, and going the way "live is", it doesnt always catch things that are floating around as cache and your computer, wether it be FROM ANY program. so you could have gotten a virus a while ago and it not have said anything. next, 85% of virus's these days are just stupid. they arent "really" giving you virus's. so being said that you got a virus from Mibbit, and quote
I don't know how, but directly when I clicked the Server IRC URL in our forum, my anti-virus system (avast) said: "Virus founded". Before I just was able to press ALT + F4 my computer was fucked up. I wasn't able to do anythink, just to pay money ... blah blah.
You will not need to reset your computer. at most you will need to delete what you think is causing the virus from your personal files (Documents, Pictures, Videos, Downloads, etc) and then restart your computer and go into safe-mode, then restore. (i know this because i'm learning Virus/Malware prevention and analytic's in school).

Again as you say that Mibbit gave you the virus, id retract that statement. The only thing that can give you virus's on Mibbit is the Desktop Pop-up tool that you enable in the settings. which is disabled by default. I would advise getting a better anti Malware/Virus Program, AND keep it's databases updated. i have had many virus's like EXE blockers, BSODV's, Wireless Keyloggers, fake virus programs, Deathly Dawn (Scary as shit) and Grub Fucker's (Makes Grub 1 & 2 bootloader have over 50 entries). Now i have Microsoft Essentials. this tool is great (as its made better than everyone thinks it is) and i have not had any issues since. I advise you read through this carefully.

Even though i hate Mibbit (because now i have Xchat and mIRC) It is a great FREE tool given to use that little have had issues with. Love on it, dont "hate on it".

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 9:40 pm
by Loading...

Want help ? : [email protected]

I help you ! i know this shit

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 1:40 am
by Cartoonman
"und pornografischen"

hmm... seems legit.

btw, the first sentance reads something like: "by visiting sites such as porno sites, the system has reached critical level of failure, where the system and all files will be lost"
lolmicrosoft. Guess they caught on in virus transmission causes. :P

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 3:03 pm
by Knom16
OKAY i tried it again, to login the server IRC, and it blocked the virus again. IT'S MIBBIT. :( I cannot use IRC, everytime my avast blocked this fu**ing virus, if I look for the fcraft server channel.

I press the link in our forums -> goto (login) -> look for fcraft server -> and when the new tap opens with the list of fcraft server"s" (smp too) a virus is blocked.
At first time I got this message of blocked virus, it was too late. and today again D: mibbit was so good everytime. :twisted:

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 3:10 pm
by Kevinsweijen
Never got a virus from mibbit.

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 4:18 pm
by KingCrab
Sounds like a virus that opens when you visit sites you've visited the most. As mentioned, get avast. I have had zero problems with it.

Also, just use mIrc.

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 5:29 pm
by PyroPyro
  • Mibbit is not a virus.
  • Use adblock.
  • Use a real IRC client (like mIRC, Irssi, XChat, IceChat...) or another web based IRC client like EsperNet's web client.

Re: I got a virus from mabbit IRC

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 12:55 am
by Cartoonman
Knom16 wrote:OKAY i tried it again, to login the server IRC, and it blocked the virus again. IT'S MIBBIT. :( I cannot use IRC, everytime my avast blocked this fu**ing virus, if I look for the fcraft server channel.
That "virus blocked" screen, is it the same as

If not, please post a screenshot of it, so that i can acertain as to what is telling you that mibbit is a 'virus'. If anything, it could very well be a worm or trojan that somehow redirects that mibbit link to a virus-infested phishing site, but i seriously doubt it.

If so, you still have that virus on your system. Get malwarebytes/Avast and get rid of it, so that it stops that message from poping up.

in worse case scenario, either initiate a Teamviewer session w/ one of our techies (including me) or do a fresh install of windows.