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sorry for greifing

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 4:01 pm
by R33C3a
I am very sorry for greifing people i was thought less and i am sorry for my actions
I promis not to greif any body again hopefully u can give me another chance

who: i got banned from the classic server by pemalite

when: i got banned form the resver on october 22nd 2011

what: i gerifed builder68

why i want to be repromoted: i would like to be unbanned because i did a stupid t
hing bye griefig i accept the punishment i had and would like to be unbanned

Re: sorry for greifing people

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 4:03 pm
by Xb0x4d4m
Please edit your Appeal to the following template:
When: {The date of the ban/kick/demote (dd/mm/yy)}
Who: {The admin that ban/kicked/demoted you}
Reason Given: {What was the ban/kick/demotion reason GIVEN (This will appear as you are kicked from the server, or under your /info for a demotion.)}

{Why we should unban/unkick/repromote you}

Re: sorry for greifing

Posted: June 8th, 2012, 10:34 am
by Pemalite
Trying to remember grief from 8 months (32 weeks) ago is a little difficult. My memory is NOT that good.
I'll unban you, you will stay as a guest though until you gain some level of trust, keep in mind... If we find grief again, you will be banned and will not be unbanned.

Appeal Accepted.