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2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 12:06 pm
by Mark-b
1st bug.
When I use /env with variable 'fog', 'sky' or 'clouds' the only thing that happens is something in the text says "Usage: /Env <worldname> <variable>" and I type "/env test (fog/sky/clouds) red", I'm only following what is said in help which is "/Env <worldname> (fog/sky/clouds) <color>".

2nd bug.
When you make a world and have env settings on the world, when you load the file in an other world name, it removes all the settings. This is bad for world templates.

The server disabled command bug is:
When a command is disabled on the server it will still show the command options in "/commands all" and the rank required would be the color of the default rank, this would be misleading at first if you don't check the "/help <command>" on the disabled command

Re: 2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 12:55 pm
by Sanjar Khan
Can you give an exact example of an envcommand syntax you enter? Because colors must be entered in hex codes. Red would be FF0000 for example. Also do you play on our AoS server?

Re: 2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 1:10 pm
by Mark-b
Sanjar Khan wrote:Can you give an exact example of an envcommand syntax you enter? Because colors must be entered in hex codes. Red would be FF0000 for example. Also do you play on our AoS server?
Well, thanks for clarifying the color codes, but that should be made specific in the help of it, i would say "/env test fog red", and then the usage would show in the chat.

And yes i play in the fCraft AoS, also in your minecraft classic server as "TheBrotherM" but soon i should have my "mark_b" account recovered.

Re: 2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 4:02 pm
by fragmer
#1) I will see if I can clarify the error messages in /Env.
#2) That's because /Env settings are stored in worlds.xml, not in the map file itself. I will need to do some pretty big changes to change that, planned for fCraft 0.700 (which will take a while).

Re: 2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 5:54 am
by Hellenion
fragmer wrote:planned for fCraft 0.700 (which will take a while).
Not sure if good news or just politically correct.

Re: 2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 6:34 am
by fragmer
...which will take somewhere between "long time" and "forever"...

Re: 2 /env bugs. + server command disabled bug

Posted: December 6th, 2012, 9:27 pm
by fragmer
Embedding /Env data is slated for fCraft 0.640 release. /Env error messages have been clarified in 0.639 release.

Still haven't decided what to do with disabled commands.