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Mono, I can not connect to server

Posted: November 1st, 2014, 7:03 am
by Bookkc
Start the server under mono, I can not connect to it. Log shows this help correct the error?

Try to write mozroots --import --ask-remove , but this not help me

Code: Select all

06:51:56 > ------ Log Starts Saturday, 01 November 2014 (11/01/2014) ------
06:51:56 > Running on Mono 2.11.4
06:51:56 > Working directory: /media/usbstick2/mcc
06:51:56 > Log path: /media/usbstick2/mcc/logs
06:51:56 > Map path: /media/usbstick2/mcc/maps
06:51:56 > Config path: /media/usbstick2/mcc/config.xml
06:51:58 > Warning: PlayerDB.Load: No player DB file found.
06:51:58 > Warning: IPBanList.Load: No IP ban file found.
06:51:59 > Checking for fCraft updates...
06:52:02 > Backed up server data to "databackups/"
06:52:02 > Server.Start: No world list found. Creating default "main" world.
06:52:03 > Saved map to /media/usbstick2/mcc/maps/main.fcm
06:52:04 > Resolving external IP address... (try 1)
06:52:05 > Server.StartServer: now accepting connections at
06:52:05 > All available worlds: main
06:52:05 > Main world: main; default rank: guest
** Running fCraft version 0.644_r2327. **
** Server is now ready. Type /Shutdown to exit safely. **
** URL: **
URL is also saved to file externalurl.txt
06:59:25 > Warning: Heartbeat: is probably down (The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.)
Sorry for my English. i am from Ukraine. Please help :(

Re: Mono, I can not connect to server

Posted: November 5th, 2014, 12:40 am
by fragmer

Don't worry about error. "502/Bad Gateway" is a pretty standard error message for web server problems. It should go away. It's not related to you being unable to connect.

If you are connecting by IP, make sure to use localhost ( instead of external IP. If you are playing through the Minecraft website, add "?override=true" to the end of the link, for example:

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There are also other Minecraft clients that handle connecting to local servers better, like ClassiCube. Try that one.

Re: Mono, I can not connect to server

Posted: November 5th, 2014, 7:29 am
by Bookkc
No... I write ... rride=true

And this is not help me. I cannot connect to my server. Port 8000 Is open, When i make my server to its work...