I have recently been in the situation again that i needed to name a reasonable price for trading something in SMP. And as usual in that situation, i was running around over the different markets on the server to see what other players charged for that item. But this time, i simply collected the prices of ALL items to save me this work in the future. And as some of you might get into the same situation, too, i wanted to share the list with you. If you want to contribute, you can put a updated list in an answer-post.
B/S is Buy/Sell.
Price is for the given amount of items (not per item).
And the abbreviations for the Markets are: S=at spawn, A=Acuaria Central, k=Skydem.
Information as of late December 2014.
And i dont give any guarantees that the items in this list are actually available (some might be sold out).
Code: Select all
B/S Price Amount Item Market,Nr,Player
--- ----- ------ ---- ----------------
B 20 8 Brick A 1, Scoot
B 16 8 Clay A 1, Scoot
B 15 64 Cobblestone S 2, doberman
B 8 64 Cobblestone S 8, LargeAll
S 6 64 Cobblestone S 8, LargeAll
B 16 128 Cobblestone S10, Coolgear13
B 1 64 Cobblestone A 6, Cartoonman_MC
B 4 64 Cobblestone A 7, Skinnygamer
B 2 64 Cobblestone A 1, Scoot
B 6 64 Dirt A 1, Scoot
S .75 64 Dirt k, surferdude
S 1000 1 Dirt k, CrimsonTensai
B 8 64 Gravel A 1, Scoot
B 8 64 Sand A 1, Scoot
B 15 64 Sand S 4, Presto_Blue
B 16 64 Sand S 8, LargeAll
B 5 64 Sand k, austinmolenaar
B 16 64 Sandstone S 6, austinmolenaar
B 20 64 Sandstone A 1, Scoot
B 4 16 Sandstone A13, 04Nick04
B 8 32 Soul Sand A 1, Scoot
B .01 1 Soul Sand k, ABadAnimator
B 10 32 Ender Stone S 2, doberman
B 4 16 Ender Stone S16, 04Nick04
B 250 64 Ender Stone S10, Coolgear13
B 24 64 Glass S12, HaroxxVigor
B 20 16 Glass S 6, austinmolenaar
B 10 32 Glass A 1, Scoot
B 1 3 Glass Bottle S 5, red_number_7
S 64 64 Glowstone S 7, freewill645
B 20 16 Glowstone S37, 01Matt01
B 16 16 Nether Brick A 1, Scoot
B 4 64 Netherrack A 1, Scoot
B 9,50 16 Quartz S 1, ProjectReality
B 6 32 Quartz S30, CrimsonTensai
B 25 8 Quartz Block S 6, austinmolenaar
B 40 8 Quartz Block S30, CrimsonTensai
B 20 8 Quartz Block A13, 04Nick04
B 16 64 Smooth Brick A 1, Scoot
B 4 16 Smooth Brick A13, 04Nick04
B 30 8 Soul Sand S 1, ProjectReality
B 14 64 Stone A 1, Scoot
S 1.25 64 Stone k, surferdude
B 20 32 Coal S 4, Presto_Blue
B 5 16 Coal S22, ProjectReality
B 40 32 Coal S45, Shadowdude76
B 40 1 Diamond S45, Shadowdude76
B 39 1 Diamond S11, Intertothh
S 1 16 Gold Ore S11, Intertothh
S 10 32 Iron Ingot A 7, Skinnygamer
B 6 10 Iron Ingot S22, ProjectReality
B 18 8 Lapis Block A 1, Scoot
B 12 8 Obsidian A 1, Scoot
B 64 64 Redstone S 8, LargeAll
B 16 16 Redstone S 8, LargeAll
B 16 8 Redstone Block A 1, Scoot
B 2 4 Redstone Block S 1, ProjectReality
B 0.50 1 Sapling S21, legopineapple
B 10 4 Dark Oak Sapling(:5) S16, 04Nick04
B 75 1 Jungle Sapling S16, 04Nick04
B 250 1 Jungle Sapling S20, admin shop
B 10 16 Oak Log S15, 01Matt01
B 10 16 Birch Log S15, 01Matt01
B 5 16 Spruce Log S 6, austinmolenaar
B 15 16 Dark Oak Log(2:1) S15, 01Matt01
B 15 16 Jungle Log S15, 01Matt01
B 8 4 Jungle Log A13, 04Nick04
B 20 16 Apple S30, CrimsonTensai
B 3 1 Cake A 3, ruggedbear
B 5 10 Carrot S21, legopineapple
B 8 10 Carrot Stick S47, c0untrygirl17
B 3 64 Cookie A 3, ruggedbear
B 5 64 Melon A12, BazingaBBT
B 8 10 Melon S47, c0untrygirl17
B 50 10 Melon Block A12, BazingaBBT
B 10 1 Nether Warts S22, ProjectReality
B 3 1 Neather Warts S 5, red_number_7
B 50 10 Nether Stalk S 2, doberman
B 12 1 Pumpkin Pie S47, c0untrygirl17
B 6 32 Pumpkin Pie A 3, ruggedbear
B 5 10 Potato S21, legopineapple
B 8 10 Potato S47, c0untrygirl17
B 5 1 Shroom Soup S45, Shadowdude76
B 20 64 Sugar Cane S 2, doberman
B 40 64 Wheat S 7, freewill645
B 48 32 Wheat S 8, LargeAll
B 20 32 Wheat S17, __49ERS__
B 10 20 Wheat S21, legopineapple
B 4 16 Wheat S38, 04Nick04
B 8 10 Wheat S47, c0untrygirl17
B 5 10 Blaze Rod S16, 04Nick04
B 1 2 Blaze Rod S 5, red_number_7
B 12 1 Blaze Rod S22, ProjectReality
B 16 16 Bone S29, doberman411
B 10 16 Egg S29, doberman411
B 5 16 Enderpearl S 3, jkmanjk
B 10 16 Ender Pearl S 5, red_number_7
B 10 1 Ender Pearl S 9, IsaacJ25boss
B 200 16 Ender Pearl S 9, IsaacJ25boss
B 25 16 Leather S 4, Presto_Blue
B 80 64 Leather S13, Atoxiclunchbox
B 5 2 Magma Cream A13, 04Nick04
B 500 1 Nether Star A13, 04Nick04
B 16 8 Slime Ball S38, 04Nick04
B 1 8 Sulphur S37, 01Matt01
B 14 64 Arrow S12, HaroxxVigor
B 10 32 Arrow S17, __49ERS__
B 8 64 Arrow S37, 01Matt01
B 500 1 Beacon S38, 04Nick04
B 1.5 1 Bow S46, Tracygo23
B 2 1 Bow S12, HaroxxVigor
B 32 32 Ice S48, 04Nick04
B 20 1 Name Tag S11, Intertothh
B 750 1 Ocelot SpawnEgg S20, admin shop
B 50 1 Potion of ??? S 1, ProjectReality
B 1 1 Potion of Swiftness(:8194) k, surferdudeX
B 1.5 1 Potion of Healing(:16341) k, surferdudeX
B 1 1 Potion of Fire Resistance(:8195) k, surferdudeX
B 1.5 1 Potion of Regenearation(:8193) k, surferdudeX
B 1 1 Potion of Strength(:8201) k, surferdudeX
B 50 5 Web S48, 04Nick04
B 100 FethFall 4 Power 3 Book S37, 01Matt01
B 225 Infini 1 Lure 3 FethFall 4 S38, 04Nick04