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Demotion Appeal Mr_Beazly

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 9:51 pm
by Mr_Beazly
When: 8/13/2011
Who: Dobby_Ash
Reason: I was cleaning up towers in a builder world, because they get in the way when people try and build. Just being helpful. But i was banned for griefing, even though no one owns the small nuisance towers that spam up the server.

I have dont ALOT for this server. Im helpful, i have never griefed anyones property, not even ONCE. Im respectful, and i even help out guests or buddies when they want it. Idk why This happened, but i would just please like my rank back

Re: Demotion Appeal Mr_Beazly

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 9:56 pm
by dobby_ashy
please follow the template at:

Re: Demotion Appeal Mr_Beazly

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 10:09 pm
by dobby_ashy
You were found to have griefed the spawn rainbow tunnel on builder30. You claim to have not ever griefed but out block database says that you deleted blocks on more than one occasion, can you explain this? 3 ops and 2 sup-ops have seen the evidence and you are not the only one to be demoted.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Re: Demotion Appeal Mr_Beazly

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 10:11 pm
by Mr_Beazly
I honestly dont remember doing that. I may have done it a very long time ago, because i remember complaining it was very long. But all i was doing today was destroying towers. If it is such a big deal, allow me to fix the holes, ok? I mean, im a builder, i can fix it. I didnt earn that rank by doing stupid stuff, let me prove myself worthy of a re rank by fixing the entire tower

Re: Demotion Appeal Mr_Beazly

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 10:29 pm
by dobby_ashy
Ok, im being nice and giving you a 2nd chance, but if you screw up again, i will demote you and you wont get repromoted again. I want you to do you job and "build". I dont want to hear anything negative about you. You will respect everyone's work like it is your own.

Last chance.

Dont screw up.


Re: Demotion Appeal Mr_Beazly

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 10:31 pm
by Mr_Beazly
i wont and thank you. Ill get to repairing the tower right away. But can we please not make the spawn on Builder30 as high? it just takes way too long to get down to the bottom