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SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 1:57 pm
by Ollieboy
Ladies and gentlemen, we over in trustee land have come up, after MUCH deliberation and discussion, about how we feel the server should be run come 1.8.

Now it IS long, and you do need to give it your full attention. DO NOT tl;dr this because this has been the collection of a lot of hard work from us, and it is entirely for your benefit. Without further adue;

The new state of SMP
Background on the situation, for those unaware;

Upon the release of 1.8, many new features will be added that require a new map to be generated (villages, ravines, ruins etc.). Once 1.8 hits our server will be temporary mapped and Vanilla, while bukkit and everything catch up and Hafnium and I get a handle on setting up the server the required way.

We have tried to run a more structured game type in the past, however this was difficult to set up due to the lack of trustee presence, and I feel that now we could run a better system than simply "Go and do what you want" like we are running now (not that there is anything wrong with that).

Over in trustee-land, we have all made decisions about what kind of gameplay we want our new 1.8 system to have. This will all depend greatly on the available plugins, but we will try and make it as awesome as we can.

Upon the new map going live, we will already have a few things in place. These include an idea of transport systems (Not widespread rail, though), a map ready to go, a newer and sexier main city, and a rough project registry for oversized things just so we don't have a map as ugly as the rest of them, plus more! (But the rest is an exciting secret!)

On PvP and Stealing

The rules will be simple;
  • Teleportation in order to get a PvP/stealing advantage is forbidden and punishable.
    Locked player houses give the player immunity to PvP/stealing.
    Applied Cities may construct their own set of PvP/stealing rules within city area.
    Repeated killing of a single player is a form of grief.
    Griefing to get to a player in order to steal/kill them is forbidden and punishable.
On Economy

The economy as you know it will NOT be transferred. This is due to a few things. The economy that we have now was slightly inflated when people abused bugs and stuff, and also because the initial burst of players having a whole bunch of money might cause some inflation. We HAVE developed a compensation system. Please keep reading before you get all rage-y.
Also we are waiting to see what Notch's "currency" system has to offer.

On large projects/Cities

Builds greater than 64x64 (About 4000 blocks) will require application on the forums for. This will not be a hard thing to do, but is more for a registry/way to make sure we don't end up with 200 flat patches around the place. We won't be hard judges or anything, just so we don't have a billion flat patches of not-worked on projects like last time.

On promotions

Promotions to member will be more frequent, yet they will have less power. Veteran may be given more powers. Moderation will be standard procedure.

On Transfers

Leading up to the release and the updating of the server to 1.8, players may collect all their valuables in a SINGLE CHEST, in order to be copied over to the new map. This is in compensation for NOT copying builds over. Contents of the chest will be reviewed before copy, so no dodgy stuff!

Just reiterating, unless you have been specifically told by a trustee that your build will be transferred, IT WILL NOT BE, so don't pester us. There will be some that get transferred, but it has nothing to do with you so don't be annoyed at them either.

On Initus

Many of you have expressed concerns about the shittiness of Initus, however your concerns will be no more when we release Initus v2.0 when the new server map goes live courtesy of the trustees. It will be properly designed this time, and serve much more of a function in regular server goings on.

BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL MY STUFF ON THIS MAP?! <---That's you, that's what you sound like.

With this new compensation system we also have another offer for you. If you want, we can copy your area to a .schematic file, and we can give you that in order to play with on a server of your own device. All you need is a bukkit server (plenty of tutorials online) and WorldEdit, which will have a 'schematics' folder that you can place them in, and load them and paste them in game!

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 3:47 pm
by DreamingInsane
I got rage-y at the beginning(A bit). It's nice to see it's going to be different now.
Never used money in SMP. I don't see the purpose. You might as well go search for it since you're already playing an endless game.

As to PvP Shit everyone is going to do:

Obviously we're going to have assholes. Is there a planned area, Non-city area or shit, that will have PvP disabled? Doesn't have to be 1000000k blocks, Just enough for people don't like PvP'in, to settle and build and grow weed wheat and what not.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 4:37 pm
by rwojy
Will this map be available for download after it is retired?

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 4:45 pm
by Bloody_Llama
Dreaming, multiworld will open up lots of possibilities; it's conceivable that we may at some point in the future have a PVPless world. However, in the meantime, as stated, player cities can make their own pvp decisions, including not allowing PVP.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 4:49 pm
by DreamingInsane
Bloody_Llama wrote:Dreaming, multiworld will open up lots of possibilities; it's conceivable that we may at some point in the future have a PVPless world. However, in the meantime, as stated, player cities can make their own pvp decisions, including not allowing PVP.
Ah k. All I needed to know. :)

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 4:50 pm
by Hit-Girl
DreamingInsane wrote:
Obviously we're going to have assholes. Is there a planned area, Non-city area or shit, that will have PvP disabled? Doesn't have to be 1000000k blocks, Just enough for people don't like PvP'in, to settle and build and grow weed wheat and what not.
I am one of those assholes.
It'll be up to city owners whether or not they want PvP protection, this *may* be a purchasable thing so you can *possibly* make your house exempt from PvP aswell.

I got ninja'd. :creeper:

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 4:54 pm
by DreamingInsane
Hit-Girl wrote:
DreamingInsane wrote:
Obviously we're going to have assholes. Is there a planned area, Non-city area or shit, that will have PvP disabled? Doesn't have to be 1000000k blocks, Just enough for people don't like PvP'in, to settle and build and grow weed wheat and what not.
I am one of those assholes.
It'll be up to city owners whether or not they want PvP protection, this *may* be a purchasable thing so you can *possibly* make your house exempt from PvP aswell.

I got ninja'd. :creeper:

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 8:54 pm
by xKoreaNx
Looks pretty good, except now I have to prepare for random people running up and killing me.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 10:02 pm
by DreamingInsane
xKoreaNx wrote:Looks pretty good, except now I have to prepare for random people Hit_Girl running up and killing me.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 15th, 2011, 12:20 am
by tomsplz3
very good ideas.... my only other idea is making the kits bigger such as instead of getting 15 light stone(glowstone) you get 64 and doing kits for the beginners thats wood tools and leather armour
that way they can survive and be able to get out of spawn area.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 15th, 2011, 1:01 am
by Shreebz
Will ranks be equivalent to Freebuild ranks? Because as of now, I'm still a vet on SMP.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 15th, 2011, 1:50 am
by KingCrab
Well thought out. Nice to see it was basically a compromise of everyone's opinions as best as could be thought of. Interesting concepts

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 15th, 2011, 6:15 am
by Ollieboy
Shreebz wrote:Will ranks be equivalent to Freebuild ranks? Because as of now, I'm still a vet on SMP.
tomsplz3 wrote:very good ideas.... my only other idea is making the kits bigger such as instead of getting 15 light stone(glowstone) you get 64 and doing kits for the beginners thats wood tools and leather armour
that way they can survive and be able to get out of spawn area.
This will happen, but not in kit'll find out.
Bloody_Llama wrote:Dreaming, multiworld will open up lots of possibilities; it's conceivable that we may at some point in the future have a PVPless world. However, in the meantime, as stated, player cities can make their own pvp decisions, including not allowing PVP.
We will most likely be sticking to the regular world and then nether. I mean, as of right now, multiworld isn't even possible without breaking half the plugins! We can't even run the nether. This will probably be the case for a while, and we may not even have a multiworld setup apart from world/nether, so don't get hooked on the idea of different worlds.
rwojy wrote:Will this map be available for download after it is retired?
Probably not, but we could give you the .schematic files of what you want (limited to however many chunks are loaded at a given time).

The policy with the server setup: Have it as simple as possible. That is to say we will have the minimum requirements, and we won't be playing around with other pointless plugins because that is a mad lagfest.

Either way, I will make the proper announcement. Moving the discussion now.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 11:01 am
by JeromePl
Can You Pllleeeeaaaaassseeee Copy Over My Amazing Dirt Hovel, It Took Me Ages To Build :lol:

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 11:40 am
by Intertoothh
JeromePl wrote:Can You Pllleeeeaaaaassseeee Copy Over My Amazing Dirt Hovel, It Took Me Ages To Build :lol:
Does it fit in a single chest?

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 6:15 pm
by Atoxiclunchbox

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 6:58 pm
by KingCrab
PelvicUltrasound wrote:Is there anyway this could be copied, or mined fast with a command? :skeptical:
Ollieboy wrote: Just reiterating, unless you have been specifically told by a trustee that your build will be transferred, IT WILL NOT BE, so don't pester us.
As for mining it, I suggest you get started :wink:

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 11:03 pm
by Atoxiclunchbox
As for mining it, I suggest you get started :wink:[/quote]

you want to help :)

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 11:18 pm
by DreamingInsane
PelvicUltrasound wrote:As for mining it, I suggest you get started :wink:

you want to help :)[/quote]

Bother a Trustee to InstaMine it.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 11:22 pm
by Ollieboy
Or don't.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 17th, 2011, 12:08 am
by DreamingInsane
Ollieboy wrote:Or don't.
Yeah, Nvm, They don't do anything anyways. ._.

Or wait, Ask a trustee to instamine it :P

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 4:58 am
by Mr_Beazly
ok im sorta new to the multiplayer world of minecraft. And im gonna say it right now, i have a cracked version of minecraft, and im talking about hardcore cracked. And i know that the multiplayer right now is classic. Will i have to purchase ANYHTING to get these new features? cause im really cheap haha

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 6:56 am
by Intertoothh
We dont what people to use illegal clients on our server.

Its not that expensive, and we support our indie game developers.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 10:06 am
by Ollieboy
I am not sure as to how Notch will have coded his anti-theft stuff so we can make no guarantees either way. We will endeavor to the best of our abilities to ensure that cracked clients CANNOT play on our server.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 2:23 pm
by Ollieboy
Remember guys that nobody really knows the release date of 1.8 so we are being precautionary and telling you to get your chest transfers ready early rather than too late.

Also, we are doing this to help YOU settle in and our economy not start from scratch so please, DON'T fill up your chest with a whole bunch of diamonds that you bought in the last week! There are many of you hording them, and if this happens we will have to impose very strict limits on what we will take over to the new map. Remember that we are not bringing any chest over unless we look inside it, so don't think we won't know.

Bring things across to get you started in terms of builds, NOT in terms of money, because if you do that you will make our money worthless. Heard of inflation? Zimbabwe certainly has...just keep that in mind.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 4:53 pm
by M1_Abrams
So a quick question about the chests.

Are we going to:

a. get the chest copied into the temp map and the real thing?

b. get the chest copied into the real thing only?

c. get the chest copied into the temp and then have another copying to the real thing?

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 5:11 pm
by Atoxiclunchbox
Ok, so I do have what you described, a bunch of diamonds,iron and gold. I don't plan on selling these items. I'm wanting to build a big house with them. Is there anyway we can work out a deal so I can bring all these items to the new map?

Here is one idea i had for my build: Blue=diamond blocks

thanks for reading,


Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 6:32 pm
by FreeBro
i filled half my chest whit redstone becous it took me a lot of time to collect for my giant display and i am now asking my'self if im abel to keep it all ( after counting i got 13 stack's and a half of redstone)

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 6:57 pm
by Cartoonman
This is my Chest so far. I'm only maxxing 1 stack per Diamond block/iron block, etc. The rest of the slots are most likely going to be filled with regular supplies (wood planks, tools, etc) None of this is going to be sold in 1.8, it's my Resource reserve for when i make my Outpost in 1.8.

Note: the disc is solely for my personal use only. the pumpkin is for Endermen (planning ahead :wink:) The TNT is just something that i might use for Mine-making and Underground layer making.

Re: SMP, the grandest of plans

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 7:19 pm
by cdferg
Do we need to submit a screenshot of our chest or something?